The genre started as a mix of the moderately silly and the formulaic: survivalist competitions for people willing to eat insects; on-the-job series that followed police officers or ambulance crews. But as the phenomenon expanded to fill cable’s endless maw, things grew both weirder and more ordinary. On the weird end of the spectrum there were suddenly shows about pathological hoarders and people eaten by their own pets.

Read the rest of the article here.

After reading the article, in a 2 paragraph response (a minimum of 5 sentences for each paragraph), answer the following questions.  In paragraph # 1, pick your top 3 show ideas and indicate why you like each show idea.  Be specific with your thoughts.  In paragraph # 2, select the one show you feel has the best chance to be successful and attract the most viewers.  What is the demographic (age range, gender, anything else) and target audience of the show?  What gives it the most chance to suceed?  Be specific with your thoughts.

Please sign your name to the bottom of your blog entry.