Premier League could host goal-line test
From ESPN (Associated Press)
LONDON -- Goal-line technology could be coming to the Premier League next season, with Hawk-Eye hoping to test its system during top-level matches for the first time.
But with soccer's rules-making body yet to allow referees to consult high-tech aids, the trials and results will remain secret.
Hawk-Eye founder Paul Hawkins also is concerned that if his system contradicted a ruling on a disputed goal and the results were made public, the referee would be undermined.
The sport moved closer to adopting goal-line technology earlier this month after the International Football Association Board approved another year of testing and FIFA president Sepp Blatter declared that it "helps referees."
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In a 2 paragraph response (a minimum of 5 sentences for each paragraph), answer the following questions. In paragraph # 1, discuss your thoughts on this innovative product. What do you like or dislike about it? Why? Do you feel it will help or hurt the the larger product (Premier League Soccer)? Why? Be specific with your thoughts.
In paragraph # 2, discuss and summarize the testing process for the product? Why do you think the tests are part of the process before the league gets to the stage of using in game situations? Be specific with your thoughts.
Please sign your name to the bottom of your blog entry.
I dislike this product. I dislike it because I dont agree with computer aid in sports, although I do agree with instant replays. The reason I agree with instant replays is because it's already avalible on live TV, so people can see if the call was wrong or right. This opporitunity should be granted to officials as well. I don't like the Hawk Eye idea because I think the official should be able to make the right call the first time. After all, thats his job and he's payed good money for it. I feel like it would hurt Premier League Soccer because many fans would disagree with it.
ReplyDeleteThe testing process for this product involves the product being set up in a stadium. Once it's set up, it will go through standard tests of tracking the ball. I think the tests are part of the process because it's necessary to make sure the product works before it's put into play. If the Hawk Eye doesn't track a ball correctly, and its used in a Premier League Game, it could determine whether one team loses or not whether it's the correct or incorrect call. Its for that reason that the product has to be tested.
Paragraph #1
ReplyDeletei think that this would be a great product to have in premier league soccer. the reason i think this product will be so helpful is because it can make sure that goals are called right. for instence, in the world cup Englan scored a goal against Germany but was not called a goal because the ref did not see the ball go in. by launching this product in to premier league it would help make better calls. but they should find a way to let the official know before he makes a right or wrong call that way they dont look bad.
Paragraph #2
i think that they have to test the product to make sure that the product is 100% accurate 100% of the time. they need to test it to make sure that it is not off by the slightest inch. also to test how fast the results would get processed. those are my thoughts on why this product should be tested.
The blog today is about a new product coming out for soccer. The product tries to make the goal line balls and calls more precise. I think this is good because it will make those close calls easier to make. Like if a ball is right on the line they can use that new technology to make the right call. That is what i think of the new peoduct.
ReplyDeleteFor every new product there is a testing process. I think the testing process for this product is very important. If the product is not tested and just put into a game, it could mess up. So testing for this product was vital. That is all.
James Graham
I think the hawk-eye system will be good for the premier league. I think this product will help the premier league because it will always count the goal. I like how this product will point out any flaws of the officials. For example during that Germany game when they made a goal but the officials did not see it/call it. This product will help the premier league because all of the teams will know that they will be playing a fair game and all of the goals would count.
ReplyDeleteThe tests will be conducted in selected stadiums. Stadium conditions have to be perfect to conduct the tests. They have to find the correct stadium to test it in. this is probably because they want to see where the home team will be having the majority of their games. These tests are important because they will be able to see all of the hawk-eyes errors. When its game time, the hawk-eye needs to be ready.
melakneh kifle
Well, it's true that this new product will eventually help the referees. I think that even tho it's risk, that they should take it because that way it can be tested in a real game. The product, like any technology would help improve what is hard for humans to see in an instant. I personally like this product and assume it will me useful.
ReplyDeletePrevious testing has showed that it can work. So right now they're trying to get the permission from FIFA so they proceed with more tests. And I think it would go well with them in the market.
Pamela Paredes
i think that this product is great because is really helpful for the referees when there is a hard decisionb to make if was a goal or the world cup there was an incident that happened in the match with germany vs england that one of the teams scored a goal and the referee said that it wasn't a goal.but this new product would of helped a lot in that situation.i think that every stadium should have this item because it would be very helpful.i think that this product wouldn't affect the premiers league in a bad way i think that it would affect it in a good way.
ReplyDeleteit is very good that they are testing this product because they need to be sure that this item work.if they dont test this it might not work in the real games and they are going to look like fools.if i were the inventer the first thing i would do is, test it because i want to be sure it works.if this item works ,many decisions are going to be easier to make because of this great product.
javier solis
I kind of like the product, but it may have some flaws. Referees are humans just like the rest of us, and if they make a mistake the computer may correct them and fix the call. The product is a great idea, but it should not be used to replace referees. The referees should still be there, and the original call should always stay with the refs. If Hawk Eye and the Premier League Soccer use the product correctly I think it will be to the benefit of Premier League Soccer because the calls will be more accurate and the game will be better overall.
ReplyDeleteThe product will be set up in a stadium for testing. The product will be tested for its ability to locate the ball. Testing is probably the most important thing to do before selling or using a product. This way the people who use the product will be happier with it, because it will do what it is supposed to do. The testing of the product should be an extensive process. They have to make sure that the device works perfectly because if it messes up in an actual situation it could cost a team a win.
-Chris Cornett
I do not think this is good idea because when sports rely on technology there is always contraversy and anger between the refarees and the people. In soccer i think this could somewhat help because you hear about refarees getting killed over bad calls they make so this helps the refs to make the right call and everyone to see he made the right calls so there is no violence.
ReplyDeleteThe way i think they will test this product is probably by have people shoot on the goal and see how the hawks eye reacts to it and see if the replay is clear. I also like this because if it is questionable that the goal was either no good or good the refs can good strait to it and see also they can put on the bigscreen so everyone can see for themselves. It will help in alot of ways and hurt in some to. Corey
I think Hawk-Eye is a good idea. It would help see who made the goal when the referee can't make the call, or it's disputed. I don't think it would undermine the referee because everyone makes mistakes, so if the referee can get help to do his job then i'm sure he'd be appreciative.
ReplyDeleteThe testing product for this product will take place in stadiums. Most likely in England. Hawkins said he expects a contractual commitment.
-Nery Pacheco
I thinks that the product will be useful because it would actually help the referees figure out if the goal was valid or not. Sometimes goals are made and they don't count them because it was either outside or they assume its not valid. But with this product referees could finally have their jobs easier. When the referee says that the goal is not valid the team gets made and goes straight to the referee to complain. I like the product because sometimes when the opposite team makes a goal and it shouldnt be valid, they count it anyways and the team stays with the point. In my opinion, i think it would help the product because there wouldn't be too much confusion on whether the goal was valid or not.
ReplyDeleteI think that they test the process before the game so that they make sure that nothing goes wrong. Also because they don't want the players to try to find a way to outcome the product in their ways. I also think that the process is done before the game to practice and experiment with the product before any player does. They havent found a stadium where to test it out. They also want to see what is wanted, test whise.
--> Candida Castro
I think this a good product because it will help out the referre by telling them if they should call a foul or out of bounds and no one will get mad but if the referre doesn't call it and then the crowd gets angry.
ReplyDeleteIf they use this product it will save the referres alot of time by helping them call the right call and not make one up, so when someone gets hit on purpose and the referre doesn't see it but the goal-line technology does, then the fans will not get mad.
zach leinenbach
My thoughts on this product is very goood idea for the socccer leuague. It will make sure that goals are called right and more precise. Most people fight about goals in soccer so this will help everybody. i like that how the computer will make it more accurate calls for the league and what i dislike about the product that may have some flaws on it because it is a technology and every technology has a flaw. I think it will help the premier league beacuse referees make alot of mistake and this hawk-eye system can help out the referees alot.
ReplyDeleteThe testing process for this system is that it will set up in a stadium. It will show if the hawk-eye system has any errors or if it is usable for games. testing this product is very helpful so in a real game you can know what can be wrong with this system if it messes up. So at the end if it passes all the tests it can be used in real games and if it fails then it will be better off without it.
Sulman Chuhan