Premier League could host goal-line test
From ESPN (Associated Press)
LONDON -- Goal-line technology could be coming to the Premier League next season, with Hawk-Eye hoping to test its system during top-level matches for the first time.
But with soccer's rules-making body yet to allow referees to consult high-tech aids, the trials and results will remain secret.
Hawk-Eye founder Paul Hawkins also is concerned that if his system contradicted a ruling on a disputed goal and the results were made public, the referee would be undermined.
The sport moved closer to adopting goal-line technology earlier this month after the International Football Association Board approved another year of testing and FIFA president Sepp Blatter declared that it "helps referees."
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In a 2 paragraph response (a minimum of 5 sentences for each paragraph), answer the following questions. In paragraph # 1, discuss your thoughts on this innovative product. What do you like or dislike about it? Why? Do you feel it will help or hurt the the larger product (Premier League Soccer)? Why? Be specific with your thoughts.
In paragraph # 2, discuss and summarize the testing process for the product? Why do you think the tests are part of the process before the league gets to the stage of using in game situations? Be specific with your thoughts.
Please sign your name to the bottom of your blog entry.
The new technology has been made in order to help referees in soccer. I like this idea becuase alot of bad calls are made in sports. This new technology is almost garanteeing the right call unless the referee does not choose to use it. In the article it said the the inventor is hesetant becuase he belives that if the wrong call is made than the referee will get in trouble. I agree, but there is no reason to get the call wrong.
ReplyDeleteThe Hawk eye is new technology were there are cameras placed around the stadium in order to help referees. They have not tested the Hawk eye in a stadium, so there not sure how it will work. They have tested outside the stadium and are now trying to get permissoon from FIFA to proceed with testing. After they test inside a stadium they will make nessesary adjustments so it will work. By next season i belive they will have this installed in a few stadiums.
I think that the new technology is a good idea. i think it would be even better if the referees were able to use it during games. i think that there is a better way to use this technology. i think referees should have this accssible. i dont think they should use this to undermine the referees becuase it is hard to make close calls in real time.
ReplyDeletei think that they have to apply this to real game situations and see how it works. also see how it performs with the close calls. they would also have to test it in real games to make sure it works well. i think that after extensive testing this will be a good product for the premire soccer league. after some of the test have been done i think they should look at possible improvements to the product. all in all i think this is a great idea.
i think that it will be a good idea for soccer. it could really help out referees in games. this new product is good for soccer because there is a lot of bad calls in sports games.i think that it is about time they came out with some type of camera situation. the inventor of this new product believes that this could be used to alwasy make the right call. but the inventor is kind of worried about the refs making the right call. i dont think that there is no way the refs could get the wrong call.
ReplyDeleteThe new product is made to see everything that happens in the game. its a good thing that they test it so that they can make sure that the Cameras dont mess up in a real high level game. i think that they should probably have this product in mutiple stadiums. i think that this is a really cool new product made to make the right calls.
-Robell Mclean
I like this new technology for soccer becuase it will help out referees on difficult situation goals. I think they should spread this technology and use it in the World Cup since there were a lot of bad calls made in World Cup 2010. It will help in the EPL with goals but it may also be bad if ever the ref and the technology have different thoughts about what is seen. It will cause a lot of controversey over the product. FIFA has never used technology and doesnt intend to start now, but it hink they should make an exception.
ReplyDeleteI think it is smart of them to test the product multiple times in a stadium(real life field).It makes the simulation more precise. It is good that they test the different possible situations that may be controversial and try those. When the technology is full-proof and inspecterd once more by FIFA official, then it may be in the EPL. Otherwise, without testing it, a bad call me be given by the technology and it will be forever looked down upon.
This product definitely has originality. I feel it should have been introduced years ago. With technology these days it could have easily been controversial since football has cameras displaying the entire field. I like the inventive way to capture what the refs miss. It will definitely help the league. This advanced form of reffing will emphasize the undermining of refs making it difficult to get their consent on the product.
ReplyDeleteThe testing process includes maintenance and marketing in games and before to see how it will work. Once installed these Hawk-eye systems will do wonders for the premier league. The tests will help for post-game procedures. Once developed, these systems will be good to go in order for refs to see where the ball crosses the goal-line during games. Hawk-eye is productive and can be idolizing in the modern technology world.
I thinnk this new technology will help the league alot. In the world cup there were alot of contriversal calls and there always human error. The reffere cant get it right every timne. This new thing will help refs get a more accurate look. Every league has reply or somthing like it. Its good for the leagues. Soccer was one of the last sports to install this.
ReplyDeleteIts important to test anything new that ius made. You dont just want to assume its gooing to work without giving it test runs in game like system. Any time a new tv or somthing you have to test the product to see if its want you want.
This article is really boring. I have wasted 20 mintues of my life. This will not help at all. It will not help soccer promote itself And overall soccer is a bum sport.
ReplyDeleteTesting the product is key. If you dont test it and the product sucks then all hell will brake loose. soccer is a bum sport. And this blog was worthess.
The new technology that allows referees to consult high-tech aids, the trials and results will remain secret is a great idea. This would help prevent the referees for making bad or unnecessary calls. The thing that I like about this new product is the fact that they have a "Hawk-Eye" hoping to test its system during top-level matches for the first time. The Hawk-Eye will definitely help the larger product (Premier League Soccer) because they need something like this to make sure there is no bad calls.
ReplyDeleteThe testing process is major because if they didn't test their product before hand then, there might be some problems when its time to use it in the games. During their testing process they use it probably during the practices. They also test the product to make sure it works well. But it also states that they have not tested this product in the stadium. I really like this product and it would definitely help the referees making the calls.
Jerome Mitchell
I think this product is a good idea because it help games be more fair in the long run. The only thing that I do not like about it is that sometimes technology does not always work perfectly. This could help in the bigger leagues because when bad calls are made by referees, you would have this product to back up the call. Overall to me, there are more pros then cons.
ReplyDeleteI think it is very important to test this product before using it in real life games. They are making an agreement with FIFA to be able to test it during games. The product would be tested but not used at first, just so the company can find any adjustments they need to make to the product. It is vital to make sure the product is perfect for the first game. If the product messes up at all, the crowd will turn it down quickly.
Kaitlynn Miller
I think this innovative product is great. If they can minimize the amount of error caused in the system then this will definitely be a big help to soccer players, fans, referees and to the game itself. I like the fact that it will be able to correct the human eye by providing a referee with the sign of the ball going passed the boundary and into the goal or if it actually never crossed the imaginary line. I dislike the fact that there will be errors that occur. There could be a close game that is ended with a malfunction in the system giving a goal to a team when the ball truly never crossed the line or vice versa the ball crossing the line but no point given. It will definitely help when it works but when it doesn’t there will be problems that follow.
ReplyDeleteBalls will be kicked through the goal, close to the goal and around the goal. They are testing to see if the system only indicates a goal when the ball actually passes the goal line. They are a part of the league because the league will be affected drastically. In the event of failure on the new product the league would be frowned upon.
-Travis 51 Ellison-
I think that this new technology is a good idea and it helps out the refs a lot. This helps out refs because in difficult situations and difficult angles its hard to see but now they can. They should use it in the world cup because there was a lot of bad calls in the world cup. it should also be used in other games.
ReplyDeleteThis new product is to see everything that happens. They are cameras put out to see those itty bitty goals that are unsure. Hawk-eye is productive and can be idolizing in the modern technology world. I think everyone will be able to use it once its finalized.
- Tamer Khweis
I think this is a smart invention for the Premier League to invest in. While this technology could get annoying if used too much it could be used to overturn questionable calls. It could be used like the challenge system in the NFL. If there is a questionable call the referees could rely on the technology to make the correct call. It would have to be in a timely manner. It would ruin the flow of the game if it took too long.
ReplyDeleteTesting is very important on new technology. If the technology failed in a game situation fans and players would be very upset. Actually everybody from the owners to managers would be mad they paid for a product that doesnt work. If they put this technology in a game with no testing it would be too big of a risk.
Nathan Rogers
This helps the soccer in general because it makes the game more fair. The new technology helps out and let you know weather it was a actual goal. Knowing if it went in or not lets the game become more fair. It will help the soccer league because people like to watch more fair games and get their moneys worth. It's also good for the players because they will want to play more.
ReplyDeleteThey have to apply the technology to real game situations and see how it works. They have to see how it performs with the close calls. They would also have to test it in real games to make sure it works well. After extensive testing this will be a good product for the premier soccer league. Some of the test have been done to look at possible improvements to the product. The outcome of the product will make it successful.
Alex Seitz
I think that this would be a great product to have in premier league soccer. The reason i think this product will be so helpful is because it can make sure that goals are called right. For instance, in the world cup England scored a goal against Germany but was not called a goal because the ref did not see the ball go in. by launching this product in to premier league it would help make better calls. But they should find a way to let the official know before he makes a right or wrong call that way they don’t look bad.
ReplyDeleteThe tests will be conducted in selected stadiums. Stadium conditions have to be perfect to conduct the tests. They have to find the correct stadium to test it in. this is probably because they want to see where the home team will be having the majority of their games. These tests are important because they will be able to see all of the hawk-eyes errors. When its game time, the hawk-eye needs to be ready