After watching the video, in a 2 paragraph response (a minimum of 5 sentences for each paragraph), answer the following questions. In paragraph # 1, summarize the video in 5 main points. List and explain each. Be specific with your thoughts. In paragraph # 2, discuss which one of the 5 main points you listed do you feel has the most impact on the "business of recycling" and why? Also, what do you think is the biggest challange in the "business of recycling" and why? Be specific with your thoughts.
During the video important point in it where that if everyone recycle it would make a huge difference. A regurlar person has 25 pounds of garbage a week.Thats a lot of trash if you add everyone else.
ReplyDeleteThe most important part of those 5 points is that everyone should recycle. Everytime you recycle it ges through a process for it to be used once again. and then instead of always making new cans and plastic bottle and even news papers, we can just use it over again by recycling.
The video that we just watched was on “Recycling: Winning the War on Waste”. It talked about where our trash goes and how they process it once it leaves our homes. It also talked about how they sort the recyclables through aluminum, glass, land waste, paper, etc. It also talked about how much waste we produce in our life time and how much trash and recycles there are throughout the world. Lastly, the video talked about how a lot of the stuff we think is “trash” and we throw out carelessly, a lot of industries can reuse and make into something else.
ReplyDeleteI think how we carelessly throw out “trash” when it can be recycled has the biggest impact in the recycling industry. A lot of out trash is recyclable and we just throw it in the regular trash can when really we could just do our part in the world and sort it into trash/recycle cans. It would make a big difference in the world and even help the trash workers by making their job a little bit easier. On the other hand, I think the biggest challenge in the recycle industry is sorting the products. Between aluminum, metal, plastic, land waste, tin, glass, paper, and all the other ones, that can be a very hard job to keep up with.
This is how the business of recycling pertains to economics.
-April Miller
the company get rid of trash for people.there are tons of trash from each person.each person generate tons of trash alone.they have to find a way to get rid of it.so they recycle and send it to plants where they desrtoy it.
ReplyDeletethe main thing to solve the trash problem is by recycling it. the people and the streets help by
recycling.there is to much trash no to recycle it and help the environment.most problems of trash is finding out what to do with it . thats when the trash man come in and collect the trash.
demarkus. jenkins
The video talks about how they recycle the trash and how the process works, it also talks about how the trash is like a cycle, they reuse the cans and the other things that can be used again. They call the trash a "stream" because it literly never stops. There's trash everywhere and 48 tons of waste that people waste. They have to see where it goes, what's in it and what they can do with it.
ReplyDeleteThe five main point I think makes an impact on the "buisness of recylcling" would be 1.Where does the things that they don't use go. 2. How they make the other things into something new 3. Why they recycle the cans, I find it to be disgusting. 4. What they'll do with the trash 5. Recycling is an impact because there's a lot of trash all over the world and the trash companys have so much that it never ends so they have a lot of work to do.
I think the biggest challenge is what they'll do with all this trash when all it does is sget thrown away each time, it never ends so I don't know what they'll do with it. The biggest challenge can also be what they do with the trash that is not needed, where do they throw it when they can't recycle it? What if people were to mess up the trash to the point where it can not be used? where will that go? It can't go in the ocean because if it goes in the ocean the fish will die, there's a lot of trash in the ocean i don't know if they clean that but the beaches have a lot of trash as well. Another challenge could be how will they get the trash from the places that is really dirty with trash, who will pick it up? I don't think they world will ever be clean enough to keep anything organized, humans a just disgusting.
Jamie Rojas
This video talks about the different things that are recyclable. It also mentions that a lot of people don’t recycle. If a lot more people did recycle companies would reuse the materials that were recycled. It would be cheaper for the company. It also would be cheaper for us. We would buy products for a much cheaper price.
ReplyDeleteI think it would be great if products were much cheaper because of that small recession. People would have the money to buy what they needed. People need to put their part into it and recycle so that companies can sell their stuff for a cheaper price. People can easily go to a recycling place and recycle their stuff there.
-Gladys Monroy
The video tells us that Recycling is usefull. It's useful because we don't waste things.It's important to recycle everything. They are showing how much stuff they are recycling. They have huge amount of things that are being recycled and that is helpful and useful. It's telling us if we recycle it's going to make a big difference.
ReplyDeleteThe main point is that everyone should recycle. When we throw things away they go to waste. If you recycle them it will be useful. If people recycled then there won't be many problems. If everyone started recylcling it would be helpful to the enviorment.
-Mah Noor
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ReplyDeleteThe video we just watched was called "Recycling: Winning the War on Waste". The film was talking about how everyday people make a ton of garbage everyday and that over the span of your lifetime every person makes a lot of waste. The video also mentioned how we can stop having so much waste by taking it upon ourselves to recycle and reuse 'trash' that would normally be thrown away. By reusing and recycling you are reducing the harmful effects that garbage has on the earth. If everyone recycled they would be helping not only their planet but themselves too.
ReplyDeleteI think that if people stopped being lazy and started to recycle garbage then the earth would be a lot cleaner. I also think there would be less work for the garbage men who would have to sort through thousands of peoples trash to find the recyclables: i.e. metal, aluminum, tin, land waste, paper, glass, etc. Doing this will also save the companies that need those materials money which could infact lower the prices of the product when it hits the shelves again. The whole process is a cycle and the more people that participate the better off we will be as a whole. This is how recycling impacts economics.
-Katie Gaskins
The first point is about how much we as people have trash. I think that people do waste stuff and don’t always recycling. The next one is about how people are now aware of the problem of waste and how it’s increasing. The point seems to true and false, the reason is that most people, I think, still don’t recycle. The third point is about finding a way to use the waste from people. The interesting part will be what they will use the trash like what sort of ideas do they have? Another point is what can other business can do with the waste, how they will make use of it. I already know that some business have already found ways of using trash, so it pretty interesting. The last point is that no matter what we as people should recycle more so we can have a better future.
ReplyDeleteThe one point that I find that will have the most impact is forth one, because it relates to businesses more than anything else in the video. It makes the businesses think on how they should us the waste of people. What can they make from it? The biggest challenge for the business of recycling is if people will recycle. No one can make a person do it unless it becomes a law so if the person is too lazy than they wouldn’t. However people have noticed the problems with trash so things can change.
The video was about recycling and how it helps the economy and environment. It explained how trash companies/ recycle companies separate recycling into groups. Also, where the trash goes and how it goes there. It talked about how much trash each person produces and how much everyone produces. Lastly, they said that most things we trash can usually be reused.
ReplyDeleteI think separating into groups and reusing trash are the most important. I say this because separating the trash into groups can make it easier for when you go to sell to companies. Reusing old trash is REALLY important for many reasons. When you use old trash companies can spend less on resources. When the company spends less money they might lower the prices of their products using the recycled material. Even though sorting the trash is important I think it’s one of the biggest challenges because there’s so much trash from just individual alone, think about everyone.
-Brigitte Chavez
The video I watched was about recycling. It was talking about if we all recycle at least one thing it would make a big difference. It talked about where the trash goes and how it is processed. There are 4 main recyclables, glass, paper, plastic, and aluminum. It also talks about how we throw away trash that we don’t even care about and other industries can use it and make different things with it.
ReplyDeleteOne of the main point that I listed and I think has the most impact on the business of recycling is actually trying to recycle. I think everyone should recycle. It doesn’t take much. I think people are just being lazy and just don’t care. I think that the biggest challenge in the business of recycling is arranging the paper with the paper, the glass with the glass, and ect. I think if everybody did this that they would make the planet a better place for everybody to live in.
-Karla Sandoval
The Video was short but to the point. First, it started the video by telling us how much trash we produce over the years, which is roughly 48 tons in 70 years. 70-80% if t=it is also recyclable too! Also it showed that even if you recycle only a little bit, it adds up quickly due to how many people live in the nation. Second the video informed us of the work the people at the recycling plants had to do. They have to sort it all out and figure out what to do with it, and when you multiple that by 250 million people it is pretty hard to do. Then the third thing the video showed was that we are winning the war of recycling slowly but surely.
ReplyDeleteWhat was most eye-opening to me was the amount of trash we produce (48 tons in 70 years), and the fact that 70-80% of it is recyclable. It is ridiculous that we produce that much in the first place so that also makes me feel stronger about recycling. If everyone recycled that much this nation would be doing a lot better. It is sad that a lot of people don’t recycle considering how easy it is just to put different trash into different trash containers. It also surprised me that we are winning the war of recycling yet so many people don’t recycle. I can only imagine how great it would be if everyone did.
- Daniel Owens
in this video they talk about where trash ends up . they also talk about the methods they are using to make recycling easier.they also say how most of use dont really care about what we throw out becuase to us its just trash . they are also coming up with diffrent methods of recycling because the nation is using up more trash and we are having more landfills full of trash which pile up more and more.
ReplyDeletei think that one of the most important point in this video is the separation of garbage in trash bins that are listed newspaper,cardboards etc ,because it make much more easier to recylce.
i think that the biggest challange for business in recycling is making sure that people are aware of how important recylcing is and how it is important to recylce because it helps all of us and it help the recycling business.
-sulma cisneros
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ReplyDeletethe video was mostly about recycaling and how everybody can help make this problem go away by recycleing as much as they can. another thing they do is try to fugure out how many people recycle a sertan amount and multiply that by 200 thusand.
ReplyDeletei think the hardest part of recycling is the people because if they dont recycle then their will be no poing in recycling any thing. i feel that that is one very inportant thing in the recyling business
The five main points of the video are recycling, how they do it, 48 tons of waste that people waste, where all the waste goes, what’s in it, and what they can do with it, and all the waste that is recyclable is sold to different businesses to make new products. The two points (recycling and how they do it) is about how over a million people recycle around the world and what garbage people do to collect the recycling items. The third point (48 tons of waste that people actually waste) is about 250 million people throw away stuff that could be recyclable. They call it a “waste stream”. The fourth point (where all the waste goes, what’s in it, and what they can do with it) is about where all the waste goes and how they put the waste in different categories to be recycled. The fifth point (all the waste that is recyclable is sold to different businesses to make new products) is about how all the recyclable items are sold to different businesses and how they can be made into different products.
ReplyDeleteI think that all the recycling items that are sold to different businesses is important, because people who recycle are saving the environment and saving money. I think the biggest challenge in the “business of recycling” is the fact that some people don’t recycle and hurting the planet. Recycling is big in the economic world, because its saving the planet and helping the recession that we are in.
Anna Vallejo
My thoughts on the video for recycling are that it is a good way for are trash to be recycled. The reason why I say that is because the way they figure out how to recycle among all of those people is very amazing for one. I know if I was working there it would be hard for me to make a decision on where all the trash goes and how to recycle. I think recycling is such a good think because it helps out the earth and are environment around us. Also helps not make the ozone layer so deep and makes globe warming more intense.
ReplyDeleteI feel that the ozone layer has a major impact on how we recycling and how we take care of our trash. By recycling it help the ozone layer from getting big and glob warming from coming to soon, because I know for a fact that people don’t want glob warming to coming soon. I also think that ozone plays apart in how we use and get rid of trash we are done with using. Recycling plays a very big part in are world it shows how much compassion we have for are surroundings and are self. If we did not recycle are world would be a mess around us and it would bring glob warming here faster.
Tenacia Chappell
Recycling needs to be part of our everyday lives in order for us to keep Earth safe and not polluted. That was their main point that the video was trying to send across to the viewer. According to their research they say that over a life time a human will make about 48 tons of trash and 80% of it can be recycled. 80% sounds like a good business number. Also on top of this we would be doing well to Mother Earth. They also talk about their ideas, on how one day they want everything to be recycled and not just thrown away to waste.
ReplyDeleteThe idea that brought my attention towards this video was the research they made. On how they believe that big portions of what people throw away can be recycled. It sounds like the recycling company can be a very successful industry. Also the company has brighter plans for the future. They say they want to recycle everything and not just plastic bottles. That’s a big step into the future. Is it impossible? I don’t think it is.
I found many important points in the video. Humans create 650 times their adult weight. 70-80% of every day products can be recycled. Separating the different kinds of materials is a big step for the cycling process. Waste is then sold to companies for profit. One person might not make a difference, but every added up makes a huge difference.
ReplyDeleteI think the biggest challenge for the recycling business is the separating of products. They must separate everything many times before they can pack them all together. There are several categories they must be separated in. There are categories like tin, waste paper, and plastic. The waste is then shipped off to other companies for profit.
-Alex Wong
The video talk about recycling. And how if the world did it would be a better environment and make a big impact. Also I learn that a average person a week has around 25 pounds of garbage . The video also talks about where the trash end up after leaving your home. And how they us garbage to make new products
ReplyDeleteThe way they can solve the trash problem is by having recycling bins everywhere so people wont just throw their stuff in the streets and maybe more trash cans. And probably another way is by having people come talk to the community teaching them about recycling.
-Rene Romero
This company show how they separate bottle from the trash help recycle .And they reuse this bottle to make better container of the product they sell in store so people well buy the product brand. They are making a huge different in the people and especial in there own community in recycling water bottle and other things.
ReplyDeleteI think it a challenge in this world because not every recycles because every one trash ends up mix with the regular trash .I think people who are to lazy and throw there trash in the water affect our atmosphere and can cause the animal in the sea to die.
Idalia Romero