In paragraph # 1, think about what we have discussed so far in class. The marketing terms and discussions have been flying around the room at a fast pace! Tell me about something interesting (marketing or business related) that you have learned in the first few classes. Why is it interesting to you? Be specific with your thoughts.
In paragraph # 2, discuss another marketing or business related topic you hope we discuss in the near future? Why is it interesting to you? Be specific with your thoughts. Remember, a minimum of 5 sentences for each paragraph.
Please sign your name to the bottom of your blog entry.
Something that I found interesting in the class so far was how companies target people and how much they are willing to pay just to get their name out there. For example, the Super Bowl was a very big even that happened recently where tons of companies paid nearly 3 million dollars for a thirty second commercial. Companies do this to get their name out in the public and some even do it months in advance to their product actually becoming available so that when people hear about it in the future, they will remember seeing it on Super Bowl Sunday. Also how companies target their target market with their advertisements and product uses, what they do to draw the people into it.
ReplyDeleteIn the near future I hope to discuss how companies become established and get a brand name that everyone becomes infatuated with and how they keep their business alive. This is interesting to me because there are tons of companies started every day but only some last, I want to know what makes one business last longer than another and what they are doing differently.
Katilyn Gaskins
Ive learned alot about superbowl commercials. There important because the whole world see's them. And whats interesting is that they're very expensive. 30 seconds of show time costs 3 million dollars. But is worth it because way more then 3 million people get to see your ad and then tell people who didnt see it about it.
ReplyDeleteIm looking forward to learning about how sports teams sell tickets. If they put their tickets on sale or if they have a 2 for 1 deal. Also how they market their players. Do they put their best player in all the commercials? thats some of the questions i would like to know in the future of this class
I learned that commercials that are played during the Superbowl are VERY expensive. They’re expensive for multiple reasons including, production, who's in it, and who's watching it. It's interesting because I didn't realize it was that BIG of a deal, but now I do. The Superbowl is watched world-wide and commercials played during it get major publicity, which can lead to the company making a lot of money.
ReplyDeleteI hope we discuss more about how some companies get very used but others don’t. Like Nike is a big well-known company. How did they start advertising? Some companies don’t get past the whole beginning, slow run, unknown stage. How did well-know companies, like Nike get past it?
-Brigitte Chavez
Marketing Blog #1
ReplyDeleteIn the first week and second week of school, we watched a lot of super bowl comercials. What I found amazing was how companies would spend 3 million dollars on just a 30 second comercial. Some companies have to spend even more if their comercial is over 30 seconds. This comercial doesn't even garuntee anything for them, it just helps promote their brand of products. I never knew that spreading your name around the country was such a big deal.
What I want to discuss in the future is the way retailers find out what the consumers would like. For instance, how would you know what colors and types of designs people will like? A survey perhaps, but sometimes that is not always reliable. What really intrgues me is the stock market. I would like to explore how the market's stocks are exchanged and how I can buy them.
-Alex Wong
What was most interesting about this class so far was talking about and listening to all of the super bowl commercials. They were interesting to see because I wanted to experience a 3 million dollar commercial, and 3 million is without the expences of the commercial (props, set, etc..) and sometimes the celebrities involved. I also enjoyed the video we watched about the flower company. During that video i got to learn more about wholersalers and the retail sales. I imagine there will be a lot moreinteresting things to come this year in Marketing 1.
ReplyDeleteIn the months to come during Marketing 1, I am sure there will be more interesting things to come. One thing i really want to learn about is how sponsorship works out. For instance, how the Capitals are sponsored by Geico. I want to know the process, and whether it is who pays more, and if the time is limited, things like that. I always watch sports at home and hear about these sponsorships, what better time to learn about them than in Marketing.
-Daniel Owens
one thing i find interesting is that all companies target a specific group of people and or just the general public through commercials and ads. Like when the super bowl was on u can see ads and commercials for cars, movies, or chips like doritos. most of the commercial in the superbowl, tageted some group like the cars targeted men, fabreze targeted women, and movies just targeted the general public but either way commercials always tageted people. companies dont just use commercials they use ads through computers, newspapers, magazine, and all different stuff.
ReplyDeletewhat i hope to talk about in the future is how the companies figure out who to target in their commercials. like how they now what the guys like in their car and if they will like it, if they should target men or women, what kind of stuff they like. stuff like that is what id like to know or if the companie always target the same person every comercial and why they do that. thats what id like to learn
- george polio
So far in marketing class we have discussed alot of things pertaining to what we are going to be learning throughout the year. Something interesting that I have learned so far is that the Superbowl makes alot of money on the commercials. A thirty second commercial is usually about three million dollars and if they use a song or someone famous they all have to dish out money to pay them as well. We have also watched a videos on the new facebook messaging and about the flowers on Valentine's Day. They were both good ways on showing how marketing works throughout the world in many different ways and how they promote their product (or site) out to people.
ReplyDeleteIn the near future, I hope to learn more about advertising. Advertising seems to be a big part of our world, and from only getting a small overlook of it, I think it looks appealing. I'd also like to learn about anything that marketing is about. Marketing is a big part of our world and economy, and learning about it will give us a better sense on the subject.
That is what I have learned and would like to learn in Marketing class this semester.
-April Miller
In the past couple of days, we have been looking at how business get people to buy their things. I find that pretty interesting because there has to be a person who has to come up with an idea to get people to buy it. What i mean is that a person can get paid to come up with tv ads, which sounds like a fun job. When we were watching the ads for the Superboll, there were so many of them and it was very interesting to think how a person or a group of people came up with them. The great part of the things were are learning now that we kind already know when we are watching tv.
ReplyDeleteThe things i hope to learn in the next couple of days is how business start. Do they have to meet with some one or another business to get aprove to start? Also How much money do known business have to pay to sell their items, do they have to more or less than a smaller business? Those are some the things i find interesting at the time and hope to find more things as we go on.
Rod Morris
We have discussed about commercials, and companies. I have learned more about products. I thought all of the commercials were interesting. I also have learned about the facebook video messaging. Its inetresting because I didnt know about it before.
ReplyDeleteAnthor marketing or business related topics I hope we talk more about is companies that sell iphones, ipods and more. Im interested because I like to know more about these companies. And more information on the products they sell. It's interesting to learn more about these companies and products. These are some of the business related topics that interest me.
Mah Noor
I've learned a lot about the T.V buisness in the last 3 or 4 day. I find that very interesting to share with my family and friends because they didnt even know. I found out its not that easy to open up a buisness and keep it alive ! I always use to say "I'm gonna open a buisness up one day" but it just seems like way to much money and time has to go into it and you really have to dedicated. It's interesting to me because i really wanna know how buisness's like coca cola are still here after many years ! also McDonalds. I just fine the Marketing Buisness very interresting.
ReplyDeleteSomethings I hope we talk about are, how to handle a buisness, How can you keep one alive ? I wanna know how the companies know how to meet peoples needs and come up with slogans? how do you know where to start? who are the correct people to hire ? Also how do you make people come back for more if you dont know everyone fashion or taste in food?..or what age groyp to reach out for? There are many things i want you to talk about in the future later this semester, and I look foward to learning more.
One thing that was interesting that I have learned in the first few classes is that companies that have been out for a long time are making commercials about new products, by making commercials using actors or celebrities to make that product a big sell. For example, Audi made a commercial with P. Diddy about the new models of Audi during the Super Bowl. Companies do this so that their company can gain money and have their business go up. Marketing is about showing new ideas to the world and making them rise to the top.
ReplyDeleteSomething that I would like to learn more about throughout the class is that in marketing there are so many terms. For example, promotion, people, demographic, place, price, advertising, etc. I would like to learn what they mean and how they are used in the marketing world. In marketing, there are always new things to learn and I would like to learn them throughout the class.
Anna Vallejo
Somethings I have learned in this class so far are how companies promote their products with different techniques.I like how companies compete against eachother by their marketing. It is interesting to me because I plan on having my own company one day. It interests me how businesses find the right times to promote products. It also interests me how they always use humor in their commercials or ads.
ReplyDeleteI hope we get to discuss how companies go at eachother. I also want to discuss how some commercials use other ways than humor to promote their products. Its interesting because they always make some commercials based off another commercial they already have. I also want to talk about how they make some commercials out to certain people instead of one as a whole. I also wanted to talk about the electrinics they are starting to promote.
- Saprea Ray
in the last few days we have been talking about advertisments.What I found interesting is how ads want get their products out there but somtimes they tend to go overboard. For example the most contrevercial ad was the Doritoes ad with the finger licker. Some people found it disturbing and uncalled for. I think that would make Doritos sales drop due to the horrible commercial.
ReplyDeleteWhat I would like to go over in the future is euntrepunuership.I would like to see how owners of a bussiness take care of there stores. I would also like to see learn more about customer service because i find that toi be a big concept that is great to know when owning a business.
I want to get a job so i want to know more about keeping customersw satisfied.
Erika Nelson
In the first few classes we have been in we have so far learned about how companies use the superbowl game to advertise their companies product or their name so that the people watching the game can see whta they do or sell.We have also learned that for companies to air their commercial they have to pay alot of money to get their commercial on the air during the superbowl game.The companies that make the commerical make their commerical to appeal a certain group of people they use this to get the attention of the certain group of people they are aim to interest so that they can get their products sold.we also leanred that during valentines day the flower growing business goes up because of the demand of people wanting to buy their flowers.During valentines day roses are sold the most ,so then demand of roses goes up as well.
ReplyDeletei would like learn how companies become bigger and how they are able to produce products and make money fast and be able to expand their companies in different parts of the world and still be succesful.
sulma cisneros
In this class we have discussed different topics such as how companies find a way to get people to purchase their products and how the sales of all companies depend on the season of the year. Many companies took advantage of the super bowl. They bought slots for commercials and they were on point on their commercials. A lot of people are suckers for things they see on TV and companies know that. During December and January people start buying things like crazy. and it lowers in February
ReplyDeleteI wanted to know how the fashion works. How do companyies go from being so small to being reconized all over the world. Many start out as being whatever but do you need alot of money to be able to start the company? Do people like invest in companies?
Gladys Monroy
The first few classes of Marketing 1 I learned about super bowl ads and how they are important in the business industry, how they show what they do in order for the costumers or people to see their product. It also taught me how much money goes into commercials and what creative ideas they create in hopes of getting our attention. For a company to show a commercial in a super bowl it takes about 3 million dollars not including the actors, and other companies. On top of all that, 3 million dollars can only give the company 30 seconds! In other words, for it to be a 1 minute commercial the price is around 6 million dollars.
ReplyDeleteMany marketing topics interest me; the one that I am most thrilled to talk about would be sports. I want to know how the sports world markets companies, not just clothing companies but food, technology, international companies, all these things are in the sports marketing world. Soccer uses it to make the world closer together when it comes to the world cup, football uses it to advertise American products, basketball the same, the Olympics as well.
Something that I found interesting in the class so far was how companies that’s want their ads in the Superbowl have to pay a certain amount depending on the length of it. Also learn the 9 functions of marketing how it use everyday in the marketing world. I also learn a lot from the videos we watch especially the flower video I learn how wholesalers and retail seller do business with each other. And I learn how companies always make advertisements and commercials for a product that is out or that will be coming soon.
ReplyDeleteIn the near future I hope to discuss how companies stay on top and how they fall. This is interesting to me because there are tons of companies that’s sometimes the company haves a good product out but then falls since a little problem happens and I wanna learn how they recover from that problem . And I want to learn how does a company expands and get their costumers to stay loyal to them.
-Rene Romero
I learned that so much about the super bowl commercials, how they waste lots of money to get the audience attention so they can watch the super bowl game. And very interesting to share this information with my because didn’t know how business industry works. And I also thought the that the face book video was cool because it new way that you can communicate family and friends .
ReplyDeleteIn the near future I would like to discuses about how to handle a business , and how do companies make their slogans to catch the people attention. And how much the business earn each year and how much the employees earn. I also want know about how companies compete with each other.
-Idalia Romero