Tuesday, January 11, 2011

SEM Blog Assignment # 8 (25 points)

The Man Behind the P90X

From Darren Rovell, CNBC Sports Business Reporter

Watch the following video about the P90X, sports fitness product. 

In a 2 paragraph response (a minimum of 5 sentences for each paragraph), answer the following questions.  In paragraph # 1, summarize the video into 5 main points.  Of those 5 main points, what do you feel is the most interesting to you and why?  Be specific with your thoughts.  In paragraph # 2, what marketing strategy used by P90X do you think is the most effective and why?  Be specific with your thoughts.

Please sign your name to the bottom of your blog entry.


  1. P90X was created by Tony Horton. P90X is a home workout that makes it easier for people to workout without having to go to the gym. P90X comes in a set of 12 DVD’s and he also has a book entitled Bring It. P90X has weight training, plyometrics, yoga, stretching, and many different workouts. It makes people really motivated and it was created to make you look good, and feel good. P90X stands for Power, 90 days, X-treme.

    P90X airs on TV more than 500x a week. It’s also aired on 210 national cable markets. The fact that it’s aired so much makes it available to a lot of people. A lot of famous people use it as well; Donovan McNabb, Sheryl Crow, and Usher. It’s one of the most popular infomercials out there today. The best part about P90X is that people get real results, it works great. They market their product very well, and have a lot of customers.

    Luis Reyes

  2. P90X is an exercise program for anyone who wants to improve their fitness and health. There have been many different success stories and now there is a new method to losing weight with the P90X creator. HE has written a book that reinstates how important and how easy it is should be to be fit. P90X stands for power 90 days extreme which is catchy and helped promote the product. It has been out for a long time now and people are still buying it.

    There are many different ways P90X has been promoted. There have been infomercials on cable TV such as QVC. The most useful way of promotion is the success stories that have come from P90X because when people see that others can do it they believe they can as well. Also word of mouth works just as well as TV showings because it is people you know and trust who are telling you the product works.
    Maggie Sawyers

  3. many people made there new years rezolution to lose weight. Also people like to read and workout, he has a book that people can workout and learn the perspectives and people can get more info from the book then the video. He also has a video for the people who like that. They say that if you workout that you become a better ceo or boss when you workout all the stress. I think that the best strategy that he has done was makeing the book that people use. I think by him making the book that people can go anywhere and use it. Also it teaches people what to do. It could also help them if they have a workout class.

    -Daniel Smith

  4. P90X
    The P90X a big workout video that can help you loss weight some people lost up to 100 and plus amount of weight. One point of the film is it is good for you it can get you in shape. Also you don not have to do it an hour a day you can do it for 10 minutes and you can see a difference. Another point is its on film so you can see them do it and not just be looking at pictures like we do in gym. Its also good if your in the military. Also if you do this you would feel better since you would be in better shape. I think the most important one is the one that’s its on film and your not looking at pictures. Its good to know how they are doing it. So than you can probably can do it better.

    A think a marketing strategy would be to have some commercial and tell people about it and that it can get you in shape and off the couch. Also maybe a sports channel like Espn could have a special on it to tell people about the workout. Maybe that way they would get more people to buy there video.
    Keith Krause

  5. In this video they are discussing a 90 day workout system called P90x. This work out system is built around 12 DVD’s. P90x is a $200M franchise and makes up of half the sales for Beachboy. Beachboy is a privately held producer of fitness videos. This particular video has you do many different types of exorcises from the basic push-ups to different pull-up drills.

    Beachboy expects to spend $120M on advertising alone this year. One of their main goals is to get their products out and recognized. P90x infomercials air more than 50x per week. I feel that their commercials are probably the most effective because they are aired a lot, and they seem to be different than most fitness commercials that only has a bunch of muscle heads yelling about the product

  6. This video mainly focuses on people that need an alternative way to get exercising information. In the new book, “Bring It!” by Tony Horton gives them away to get that information quick and easy. Just like its significant other, this book allows readers to break down the workouts into their own time and still get the full effect of each workout. With his new book, Tony Horton is not looking for another P90X, but is looking for another way for people to receive workouts and nutritional values. When people pick up this book, they will be picking up more than just a workout instruction guide, but a guide to a healthier life. Of these facts, I think the most interesting fact is how Tony Horton was able to turn his successful workout plan into an excellent book.

    I think P90X is so successful because, it allows all types of people, no matter what shape or size to get fit. P90X does not have a specific demographic it sells to, because they believe that everyone can become healthy and fit. With this mind set, it has given people a better, faster and exciting way to get fit. Because some people may hate the fact of going to the gym, P90X allows them to stay in the comfort of their home and exercise. Instead of following the suit of other exercising videos, they gave people what they wanted and not what other companies thought they needed.

  7. The video was basically showing people who think they don’t have time to workout techniques in to where they can get fit. I also states if you exercise and eat right you will get results fast. The guy says that it is not about losing weight and looking good it’s about feeling good. The video is mostly targeting successful business people that have very limited. I think that it is interesting that he says that it isn’t about losing weight because that is why most people exercise in the first place.

    P90X uses promotion because they are trying to get more people to exercise. This is the most effective strategy they used because they are convincing people that there is always time to exercise. This appeals to people who feel that their time is limited. This is a great way to motivate people to workout more. Not to mention the man was 50 years of age.

  8. There were many points into this video. One is that anyone can do it for how ever he amount of time you want. Another point is getting shape and looking good and felling good. Another point is what P90 x stands for, it stands for power 90 days extreme.

    The main marketing point in this video is that any one can get in shape and feel good about them self. They sell the work up in both DVD and the book. This makes is more available to people. Because some people like to watch it on T.V. and follow along with the work out and other like to read the book and do the workout at their own pace.

    Tommy Sklopan

  9. The main points of this video are P90X makes you very fit, what P90X means, making you feel good about yourself, P90X is a huge business that has grown quickly, and that there is more than just one way to promote a business. I believe that the main point they focus on is that there is more than just one way to promote a business. P90X not only makes the DVDs for their business, but also does a great job of promoting them. They will do anything from infomercials to books to going on a talk show. Tony Horton has made an outstanding business that does a great job at promoting. P90X benefits not only the company, but also America. Now, less people will be obese and be in great physique. Also, P90X will make a great amount of money. As long as they keep this up, America will be an overall better place. The most interesting point is what the name P90X means. I’ve always been curious, and they finally told us in this video. The ‘P’ stands for ‘Power,’ the ‘90’ stands for ‘90 days’ and the ‘X’ stands for ‘extreme.’

    I believe the most effective form of marketing that P90X does is the infomercials. They have over 500 infomercials a week, and it seems to be working just fine for them. P90X has made over 200 million dollars in profit over the past few years, and I believe that the majority of their profit comes from infomercials. Soon, they may even monopolize the T.V. industry and all the infomercials you see will be P90X.

    Jack O'Donnell

  10. P90X. The future. The greatest future man can attain. Boom. In just 90 days, change yourself. Its amazing what this can do for an obese person. If you can just pay attention. That’s what its really about. 180 or 190 lbs. is what you can lose. Amazing. It’s a contest of wills within yourself. 2nd point, it really changes your lives. 3rd, its can help you even in long term, with memory loss prevention and arthritis. 4th, its easy. Got 3 months? You’ve got a banging body. And most importantly, you want to look good. That’s it. P90X can.

    P90X is about a lifestyle .That’s that. They don’t promise anything, but you can see the changes everyday. That’s the only thing that they promise. That’s what is really important in this. That in itself is fantastic. They have a great scheme going on, and they will be high in the stockmarket as long as obesity is in America.

    Danny! Marcinek

  11. The video we watched was very interesting. In the video they talked about how the video can help people lose weight. They talked about how P90X can help you even if you don’t have time. They talked about you don’t have to go to the gym to get healthy. That is what the video was about.

    I think that the best kind of marketing strategy is paid programming. Paid programming would be good for P90X because it is an exercise program. Exercise programs usually are advertised through paid programming. The target market for these commercials would be stay at home moms. That should be the marketing strategy.


  12. This video about the great video workouts from P90x. This product is proven to work and helps average day people get ripped and in amazing shape. P90x no matter how out of shape you are you can do this and get in shape because you go at the pace that your body can go so you slowly adjust to the videos at you body rate.

    I beleive the most effective strategy for P90x marketing is the infomercials because they are on all the time on television and are quite convincing. It also works cause tony horton is a nice dude and is a great motivator for people to workout and get ripped. Thus one can see that P90x is a great choice for people who just wanna get in shape.

  13. The video is to help the people that need to lose weight. This P90X is made for any one in fact they don’t event need to go to a gym. This P90X has a DVD and BOOK so the people can follow in both way and have their favorite one. People like the video more because they can follow the action, also some people like the book by reading and following. This P90X exercises is use by the following professional athletes Sheryl Crow, Demi Moore, Usher and Donovan Mcnabb.

    P90X is introduced in the TV, radio, and other way that people see it. I think it’s successful because all the professional people use it and also fans and it made a lot of change for lots of people. Like those people on the first paragraph it has changed lots of people. The customers like this product because it has a real result not like other products that doesn’t work.

  14. P90x is a workout video made for all people. People trying to gain muscle, cut back on weight, or tone up. This video is designed to get your body used to working out and tone-up at it's own pace. It is very effective and anyone can do it.

    Paid programming is a good way to advertise this product. My parents actually heard about this product on an advertisement and purchased it. The paid programming was very informational, more so than a regular commercial.

  15. P90X was created as a home work out video. It was also made to help you get slimmer and get more muscle without going to the gym.Tony Horton is the creater of P90X. P90X stands for power, 90 days and X-treme. P90X has tons of work outs to do at home.
    The most interesting fact to me is that P90X is aired 500x a week. P90X has made over $200 million dollars in just the past couple years. A lot of people watch TV and if they are watching and a P90X commercial comes on they are going to see it. They show people with lots of muscle looking good and healthy. So airing on the TV 500x a week will get you alot of buyers thats why i think its very effective.
    Andrew Foster

  16. P90X is an exercise program for anyone who wants to improve their fitness and health. For people who want to lose weight. Now there’s a new method on losing weight. Many people are getting fit because of their new year’s resolution. P90X comes in a set of 12 DVD’s and he also has a book entitled Bring It.

    P90x airs on tv 24/7 a week. They have their own channel like qvc. Going our the world and showing everyone p90x is a great way to market your own product. Beachboy expects to spend $120M on advertising alone this year. One of the important thing of a new product is recognizing what it is.

  17. The video brings across a few main points. Number one, you have to start exercising. It doesn’t matter how long. Even ten minutes at a time will do something. Number two, exercise is not only for making you look good. It also makes you feel good, and think better. Tony says it increases creativity and stuff. Number three, variety is key. Make sure you do a variety of exercises. Number four, anyone can do this program. (P90X) You just have to try. Number five, P90X really works. Just look at Tony Horton.

    P90X is really marketed well. It uses infomercials and commercials. Commercials are good for introducing the product, and infomercials really give you in depth knowledge about it. The book Tony Horton wrote, titled Bring It, is also a piece of marketing for P90X. People who read the book are going to want to order the DVDs. People who watch the DVDs will want to buy the book. That’s money. P90X also spreads by word of mouth. People who use it tell their friends, who tell their friends, and so on. It spreads like wildfire. That’s all there is to it.

  18. I think five main points of the video is the P90x was made to get you fit which was one of the things on most people’s new years resolution. Tony wrote a book called Bring It. P90X stands for power 90 days and extreme. The P90X is made for people to look good and to feel good as well.
    The people who represent P90X are all fit. It comes with a DVD that people can go by. It also has a book which maybe more people like to read instead. It shows that you don’t need to do an hour a day but just 10 minutes and could benefit you.

  19. This videos is about promotiong p90x. it is also about marketing todifferent audiences. Another point is that tony Horton wants everybody to perform better at what they do by buying p9x. ithink themost important one is that he wants to target new audiences who like different things. Some like the dvds because it is easy to use, but other like to read about then do it.

    I think that the marketing strategy that is working the most is the one that includes the dvds. It was the original marketing strategy, and many famous people and professional athletes use it, like ray lewis, Donovan mcnabb, usher, and many more.

  20. P90X can make you feel better and it can also help you in your job. Working out can help your cognitive ability too. Memory growth can also come from working out. P90X is more than just another workout video. P90X can make you look better and feel better about yourself and your work ethics.

    The marketing strategies that P90X uses are advertisement and they show great customer feedback. Many people love a great ad but when you see results for yourself, that’s a big plus as a consumer. P90X commercials show tens of people trying this workout and showing you their results after only a few weeks. P90X has a great way of showing what they’re program can really do for you.

  21. P90x is a fitness program created by Tony Horton. There have been tons of success stories that have been released to the media as well as a whole new method with the P90x creator. Tony Horton has even gone out of his way to keep those on track that use it, he has now written a book on how easy it is to be fit. The program was created to make people feel good about them at last and now it is finally beginning to show. The real name of the program is Power, 90 days, extreme.

    P90x is so successful because of how effective it is at advertising itself. P90x is shown on TV over 500 times a week and is said to be one of the most popular commercials out there. They are planning to spend 120 million dollars on commercials alone. One reason why it works so much is because it really works! It gets results and it makes people feel better about them.

    Andrew Frawley
