Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Global Marketing Blog Assignment # 8 (25 points)

Skipping the Middleman, Straight to the Lobsterman

From TIME magazine, on-line.

Watch the following video depicitng the state of the lobster industry in Maine, USA.

After watching the video, in a 2 paragraph response (a minimum of 5 sentences for each paragraph), answer the following questions.  In paragraph # 1, summarize the video into 5 main points.  Of the 5 main points, which do you think is the most important and why?  Be specific with your thoughts.  In paragraph # 2, discuss your thoughts on the video. How do you feel about the marketing strategies being used?  Why do you think they are effective?  Be specific with your thoughts.

Please sign your name to the bottom of your blog entry.


  1. This video is about how the sales of lobsters in Maine are progessing. Firstly, the price of lobster plummeted from $3.50 to $2.50 in just a few years; this makes it difficult for fishermen to make the same amount of profit. Secondly, the price of bait has increased; this proposes a problem because the value of lobster has decreased so fishermen are only losing profit. Thirdly, a company called Catch a Piece of Maine has made an idea to send lobster, along with other miscellaneous items, to anywhere in the country if people order it. Fourthly, this company has used very smart advertising techniques to increase their sales, such as Facebook and Twitter; this has resulted in a doubling of their profit over the past few years. Lastly, it is predicted that more and more lobster companies will use these advertising techniques which will result in a turn-around of their trend of losing profits. The most impotant point of this video is their chosen advertising techniques because it reaches out to a vast variety of people from all over and lets them know of their product which could result in more sales.

    The marketing strategies in this video that are used are very smart. The company Catch a Piece of Maine is using websites such as Facebook and Twitter to let people know of their products. This technique has resulted in a doubling of their usual profits. It is also effective in that other lobster companies that are currently losing profits instead of gaining could create these websites and could potentially gain more profit. These social networking sites are granting the opportunity to smaller companies that may not have the spotlight to let people know that they're around and that they have good products to sell.

    Samantha Poe

  2. The video explains the difficulties and risks in how a market, such as the Lobster Industry is facing difficulties. The Lobster Industry is suffering a dramatic deficit in price and demand. The price of Lobster per pound has dropped from $3.50 to $2.50 and is believed to drop still. Maintenance cost and equipment has either risen in double or tripled. Two brothers John and Brendon B. have started a company called Catch A Piece of Maine, which redefines the industry. Fisherman is somewhat skeptical about investing into rebuilding the industry since of the recession because of the difficulties.

    The fact that two brothers have launched a company in order to revive the Lobster industry is important because it shows they are taking the initiative to rebuild it. The company Catch a Piece of Maine is surely to succeed in slowly rebuilding the Lobster Industry since they buy directly from the lobstermen cutting costs the buying from suppliers. The use important marketing techniques in order to promote themselves and create awareness to promote sales. The used a heavy social media campaign by using tools such as Twitter, Facebook, and a website. This has helped them produce that increase in sales which has doubled showing progress in the future for the company.

  3. The video is basically about the difficulties of the lobster fishermen, out in Maine. They are facing many difficulties due to the recession, that have hit them really hard, causing loss in sales and a lost in their overall business. Theses fisher men are veterans, they have been catching lobster for years, 40 to be exact and it has been the first time in years that business have been so bad. Business is so bad that they had to resort to social networking sites like facebook and Twitter, to get their business the recognition they need to beat this recession and to get their business back on track. Catch a piece of Maine is a program that the fishermen used to get the customers aware of, where their lobsters come from and who is the fisherman. The most important is the social networking, because that is a perfect way to get customers aware. Everyone has some sort of social network.

    I think their marketing strategies are effective, in that they have a lot of ideas to get their business up and running. The video was also good in that it showed the different aspects of catching the lobsters and getting them to the customers. It is effective been that they are using social networking and the Catch a piece of Maine

  4. The lobster in Maine has gone down in price. Which results in the fisherman struggling to make ends meat. Since the new plummet of the economy everything has gone up in price but the product he is sailing. Things that the fisherman need the most have sky rocketed like gas and materials needed to fish. The most important thing is the escalation in price of the materials the fisher man need. Like gas, bait and other things.

    I think it’s smart that the one business is using the internet and facebook to promote. That’s the most important thing of all is using resources that have the potential to be successful. An allowing the consumer to feel connected to the lobster they are purchasing is also smart. The closer the consumer feels to the product the better they feel about that purchase or spending the money.

  5. This video was about a fisherman and how this cost were increasing over the last 10 years. He said it was getting hard to keep up with the cost. A new company opened and started to ship the lobsters to anywhere in the country over night. It also tells you whos lobster it was by doing this it will most likely help the fisherman out becuase people will keep buying there lobsters. Without this new company most of the fisherman will end up falling out of business some time soon.

    I feel that this is a good idea. The company is helping the fisherman out. But they are also make money becuase they are sending the lobsters all over the country. They have a great marketing plan by teling the people whos lobsters they are eating so that they can keep buying the same lobster. I think they will help out many people as well as keep fisherman in business.

  6. This video is mostly about how lobstermen are suffering because now a day almost everything has raised its prize, except the lobster’s price. The money that there are making is not enough for them because they are charging like $3.50 per pound of lobster, and some people are arguing that the prize is too high. The customer should thing about how everything is so expensive, and that the lobstermen sometimes don’t sell all of its lobster and sometime they don’t make enough money to afford everything.

    Now they’re using the internet to advertize their lobster, because they are not selling enough lobster with the people around them. Also they are selling their lobster to a bigger industry so that they can sell it all around the world. I think that the using the internet is a really good I because now almost everybody has imtermet.

  7. In this video it talks about the concerns with lobster. Lobster has sunk in prices from $3.50 to $2.50 which is not good because everything else has risen. The price of the cost to ride his lobster boat has risen. The gas also and the materials. But his amount of lobster catch has remained the same. This is not good for the amount of profit he wants to receive, But he say hey if I put in $5 cents in I can make about ten cents or maybe even 25 cents.

    I think the strategy their using by having a facebook page in which other people can see them not only Maine is great, and in fact their sales have gone up because of this. This is effective because so many people are on facebook and use the internet on a daily basis.
