If English Soccer Can Take in $155M From Sponsored Jerseys, What About NBA, NFL?
Mark Cuban: Ads on Uniforms a Matter of 'How Much' Not 'If'
NEW YORK (AdAge.com) -- It was just a small blurb in Sports Illustrated magazine's "By the Numbers" section two weeks ago: "$155 million -- Income generated by the 20 English Premier League soccer teams this season by selling ad space on their jerseys."
But those 21 words are causing the four major American sports leagues, its corporate partners and even fans to rethink the idea of sponsor patches on team uniforms.
Read the rest of the article here: http://adage.com/article?article_id=146264
In a 2 paragraph response (a minimum of 5 sentences for each paragraph), answer the following questions. In paragraph # 1, provide your thoughts on this issue. If all of the major professional sports leagues (NBA, NFL, NHL,and MLB) got on board and started doing this, do you think it would be a good or bad thing for the SEM industry? Why or why not? Provide at least 2 reasons for whichever side of the coin (good or bad) you take. Be specific with your thoughts. In paragraph # 2, discuss which major professional sports league you think would benefit the most and why. Provide at least 2 reasons for why you think this particular league would be most beneficial. Be specific with your thoughts.
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In a 2 paragraph response (a minimum of 5 sentences for each paragraph), answer the following questions. In paragraph # 1, provide your thoughts on this issue. If all of the major professional sports leagues (NBA, NFL, NHL,and MLB) got on board and started doing this, do you think it would be a good or bad thing for the SEM industry? Why or why not? Provide at least 2 reasons for whichever side of the coin (good or bad) you take. Be specific with your thoughts. In paragraph # 2, discuss which major professional sports league you think would benefit the most and why. Provide at least 2 reasons for why you think this particular league would be most beneficial. Be specific with your thoughts.
Please sign your name to the bottom of your blog entry.
My thoughts on this issue are that I am against it. Soccer can do their own thing with the branding and such on their jerseys because that is what they have always done. But traditional Football, basketball and baseball have never done that. It would change what the traditional jerseys have always been and some designs that have made fans want to buy the jerseys. As a sports fan I would not want to buy a jersey with branding on it I would want to buy a jersey that is a specific player’s jersey and not wearing around the brand. I think it is a smart idea because the NBA, NFL, and MLB are hugely followed organizations that I think could get tons of sponsors on their jerseys and make lots of money. It’ll help them make lots of money and it can also make them view the NFL or MLB as a safe family friendly environment or company.
ReplyDeleteI think that the most beneficial league would be either the NFL or MLB. Mainly because those are two of the most popular sports. Every Sunday, at least one person in every household is normally watching a football game so it would be easy for fans to see these changes in the uniforms and know more about it. I think the MLB would also be another big one because there are 162 games in an MLB season and during the season you can find a game on TV almost every night. Which will make fans know more about the sponsors also the Yankees are a huge name to everyone in sports and when people think Yankees they will think the sponsors on their jerseys.
-Thomas Baird
I totally agree with having sponsorship ads on jerseys. I’ve been following soccer for a while, and I’m used to seeing sponsors on them. Like UNICEF on the Barcelona jeryseys. If all the major sports began to do this, I don’t think it would hurt them at all. In fact, I think it would make the SEM industry grow even more. That’s more opportunities between the franchises and the businesses. Besides the fact that the sponsor would benefit from this, the franchise or league would as well. If the English Premier League can haul in 155 million in income from this, I can only imagine what a league like the National Football League would do.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, the league that would benefit the most from this would be the NFL. Most Americans don’t follow soccer as much as other people from around the world. What they do follow though is the NFL. Sunday’s are just that one day to kick back, switch on the TV and watch some football. I’m not saying that everyone watches football, but it’s probably the most watched sport within the leagues. The NFL already does a lot with sponsorships, so adding this wouldn’t come as such a surprise to me. Besides, you can get really creative with football uniforms, including helmets.
Luis Reyes
I think that if American sports league were to put advertisement on jerseys it would be a great thing and a bad thing. It is a good thing because if the leagues were to do that it would bring a lot of money to the teams and players. This could be good for the fans because if the teams already have enough money they may not charge as much for tickets. But it could be a bad thing because some of the teams may go overboard with the advertisements and end up with them plastered all over the jerseys. For these reasons this idea can be good or bad.
ReplyDeleteI think that the NFL would be most successful in putting advertisement on the jerseys. I think this because they are the league that gets the most views. They also have the most dedicated fans. Because of that more companies would pay the league more money to put their advertisements on their jerseys. So because of that the NFL would be the most successful.
Abel Henok
I think that if all the National sports leagues started selling ad space on their jerseys, those fans would be less interested in purchasing the teams jersey. The reason a fan buys a jersey is to support that team and support their favorite player, not to support coca-cola or Sprint mobile. I think that fans would rather they put the advertisement somewhere else, rather than directly on say a Darelle Revis jersey. This could be a potentially bad thing for all sports leagues if they follow through with this. Even though it would be bringing in money for that league, that could mean losing some very loyal fans.
ReplyDeleteI think that the National Soccer League would benefit from doing this because I think that even though they have a lot of fans that support them, I don’t think they get enough publicity as say the NFL. Even though fans still buy their jerseys like any other sport, I think that if the league can separate the sponsor ships from the sold jerseys, then it would help them out significantly. Also if they can find a way, to get sponsors that would agree to not only put the patches on their jerseys but also on their entire uniform, that could help them out in the long run.
- Brandon Smith
I think it would be a bad thing for major sport league to spend that amount of money. I think it’s a bad thing for sport industries because of the situation were in with economy. I think it’s a risk management doing this because if the superstar gets hurt they won’t buy their jersey. If they spend high amount of money for the product then the jersey will cost more. People would stop buying jersey and it couldn’t hurt their business.
ReplyDeleteI think the nfl would benefit this because so many people buy their jersey. The reason people would not buy their product if the player is hurt or does something to hurt the team. But I think it would not be a good idea because if the money they would spend on. They would spend on promotion to make people buy their product. They will also hire a celebrity to wear their product so that will cost a high amount of money.
Oscar Chicas
I think that selling sponsor space on your uniform is a bad idea; all this will lead to is individuals making more money. Sponsors should support teams and have their logo on the entire team’s jersey. Supporting the team would also cut back on the chance of inter-team fights about corporate sponsors. Players would be sponsored equally and not individually. Other sport teams and industries like, the NBA and the NFL could profit as well. Sponsors could pay for team gear or team events.
ReplyDeleteI think that the NFL would profit the most of all the industries. The NFL has possibly the biggest fan base in the USA and its popular globally as well. The NFL has many teams and their stadiums sell out constantly. The NFL could also use the sponsor money to pay for gear and stadium renovations, which would mean more money flows to the players.
Luke G
I think it is a good thing because the English league made lots of money just from putting ads on their jerseys. If all the national sports did that they would be able to make a lot of money to their league which could help them in the near future. It also brings a lot of publicity to that sponsor or whatever organization.
ReplyDeleteI think that the most benefit a league would get would be the NFL because it’s the most watched sport in America and it could bring a lot of publicity to that sponsor. It also would bring money to that team organization. Which could help them a lot because of the economy right now is bad.
Carlos Arrieta
The idea of making millions of dollars by just putting a simple logo on a jersey seems too good to be true. If soccer teams are doing it then our professional sports teams would probably do it better because American fans are crazy about their sports. I personally would not want to see multiple logos on a jersey because that is not what I’m paying to see. I just want to see my team to win. If one or two logos appear that wouldn’t bother me but logos cover the whole jersey would be ugly and not worth buying.
ReplyDeleteI think any major league sport would benefit money wise from this. Some fans wouldn’t like the logos on the jerseys but others probably wouldn’t mind. If baseball was to do it might be good because you will be able to read the logos clearly. Also with other sports like football pictures would be taken and that is free advertising for whoever’s logo is on their jersey.
Maggie Sawyers
I believe that this great idea. Sponsors help soccer with a lot of expenses, also for companies it helps them sell the products. If every sport started wearing sponsored uniforms the SEM industry would gain a huge amount of success. Just the fact that the sponsors will get more publicity is a good thing. Not everyone watches soccer but there is a sport for most every bodies interests. Making millions off of a little logo on the jersey can never be a bad thing.
ReplyDeleteI believe that a lot of major league sports can benefit from this. I believe that baseball would make the most money doing this, because other sports the team members are running around and the fans aren’t really paying attention to the logo’s. But If you put logo’s on baseball jerseys it would be more benifitial because baseball is so boring that to pass the time the fans would just read all of the logo’s on the jerseys just to stay awake.
I think it would be a good idea if the NFL and the NBA would have sponsored jerseys. One reason is because it would bring a lot of money for the team. Some teams have huge debts, so getting extra money from their sponsored jerseys would be good for the organization. Another reason is because more people would watch the NFL or the NBA. if you like a product, and you see their logo in a jersey, you'll most likely watch the game.
ReplyDeleteEverybody would benefit from having sponsored team jerseys. However, some teams will benefit the most than other teams for various reasons. One reason is because of the popularity of the team. One example is the Dallas Cowboys, it has the most fans than any other team in the NFL. Another reason is how well the team is playing. For example, the Indianapolis Colts always have more than 12 wins, which makes them one of the best teams in the NFL. Because of this, many people will watch the colts' games. if you are the Oakland Raiders you would not make as much revenue as the Cowboys for the sponsored jerseys.
Jaime Avila
155 million income generated by 20 english premiere league soccer teams this season by selling ad space on new jersey. Soccer players are selling ad space at their own will. This is bad because it can take away from other products and or hurt certain companies if they do this. This also means that they are taking away from the meaning of soccer. This is so because they are doing it for profit and not sport. American minor teams made 155 million dollars with advertising.
ReplyDeleteNBA don’t do this so thus its going to make soccer look like the bad sport. It is a surprise that soccer teams and or players are selling ad space at their own will. The NFL does a lot of sponsorships so it really doesn’t surprise me that some soccer players are but the quick change is too quick for some people. Thus one can see that soccer is changing and developing in new ways take for example the new ads space that they are wearing.
I think that this is a bad issue, because the English teams are not the only sports team in the world and it’s not fair that they are the only ones that get to sponsor there jerseys. I think if all the leagues start doing this then it would be a good thing, because then everybody would be able to see there product not the English leagues. The NFL, MLB, MLS, NBA, and the NHL should sponsor there jerseys the same the English teams do, so they can get more fans to buy the players jerseys. Another reason why this is a good thing is that, if the leagues do this, the SEM industry would have a lot of money to spend and get more sponsors for the different leagues.
ReplyDeleteI think the professional sports league that would benefit this the most would be the MLS, because now that a lot of people are getting into soccer, a lot of fans would be welling to buy more jerseys if the MLS would show there jerseys on the ads like the English leagues. Another benefit for the MLS would be that it would make the MLS more noticeable and attract more fans. One reason would be that it would make the MLS gain more money then it already has. Another reason would be that it could make more people join the soccer world more and make them enjoy the soccer area.
Anna Vallejo
I think sponsor logos on sports jerseys would be a great idea, but it wouldn’t work for all sports. For example, basketball would be great, because there really isn’t too much going on on the jerseys, and the NBA is willing to go with it. I don’t think the fans would mind either. On the other hand, the article says baseball fans are strongly against it, maybe because they hold baseball as a ‘sacred’ or special game. But soccer is known as ‘the beautiful game’ and they have no problem with sponsor patches, they’ve been using them for a long time. The NFL is probably the most watched league in the U.S. but the league doesn’t want to go for this. Maybe they think they’re making enough money already, but you know there is no such thing as ‘enough money’ for businesses. In the end, its all for the cash and the leagues are going to do whatever they have to make a buck.
ReplyDelete-Dil Amerkhail
mathhxdd is MATTHEW ARNOLD just so you know
ReplyDeleteI think that if all the major professional sports leagues got on board and started doing this, it would be a good and bad thing. It can bad because those sports leagues would have to use the same schemes as the English Premier League does. It would also be bad because these sports leagues might spend a lot of money or promoting their jerseys and what if the fans don’t buy into it. With the NFL having a potential black out season and the NBA too, wasting money is not something that can happen now. This can also be a good thing because it helps increase profit for all the leagues. With the NFL and NBA having a potential buyout, they need money quick to help prevent it. Also, by promoting more of their jerseys, comes new ideas with jerseys. Fans always want the best and new products and if the Leagues want to sell $155 million worth of jerseys, they will need to come up with a few new ideas with the jerseys.
ReplyDeleteI think that the professional sports league, that will benefit the most from this, would be the NBA. The NBA has a larger fan base than any other American sport. They have over 300 million fans in China. The United States barely has 300 million people living in it. The NBA has just come out with new jerseys called the NBA Revolution 30 jerseys. These jerseys’ are great for the fans, players and environment. It’s made from recyclable goods, its 30% lighter than previous jerseys and it can absorb sweat twice as fast. These new jersey’s are a huge hit with a players and the fans. The fans won’t buy a jersey just because you try and sell it differently. They’ll buy a jersey if you make something new about it. Making an entirely new jersey, does just that. The NBA already has new jerseys that are a huge it, all they need to do now is promote and sell it right to come close to the $155 million goal.
It is highly unlikely that any of the American sports leagues would make as much as the EPL, but it would still be good for all the major sports leagues in the United States to start doing this. This would make all the leagues much richer, and help the companies advertise while doing so. By letting companies put their logo on the team jerseys, much more people will see it. If you were a Broncos fan, and CVS Pharmacy put their logo on their jersey, then you will be much more likely to go shop at CVS, since they sponsor your favorite team. This will also benefit the football team, because they are making money for practically doing nothing. If the four big sports leagues in the United States started letting companies advertise their jerseys, then the benefits will be mutual. The sports industry will make a lot more money, and the business industry will advertise, having more people want to buy their product.
ReplyDeleteI believe the sports league that would benefit the most would be the English Premier League. Since soccer is the largest sport in the world, and English Premier League soccer is one of the largest leagues, then advertisers will have to pay much more to put their logo on their jersey. The EPL makes much more money than other sports league already, and their profit is just going to keep rising more and more. Advertising on an English Premier League team would be one of the best ideas, because then you get your company out both nationally and internationally. However, if you are trying to advertise your business just in the United States, then it would probably be best to sponsor an NFL team, because the NFL is the largest sports league in the United States. Overall, I think sponsoring a team in the EPL would still be the best decision for a company.
Blog 5
ReplyDeleteIn 2009 mlb started this with the world baseball classic. Also they tried to use spider mans film. The WNBA tried to do but the nba has not they should. They nfl has did it with some practice jerseys over the years they had commercials with it
On the soccer making 155 Million on Sponosered jerseys the nba, MLB, NHL, and NFL should do the same. The NFL would do great with this they would make 10 times what soccer made. Since the national football league is bigger than soccer and everyone loves football. I think baseball would also do good with this since its also a pretty common liked sport. Baseball would make the same amount or more money. Nhl would do good with not just here in Canada too since its big there.
keith krause
Advertising On Jerseys: Why not American Sports?
ReplyDeleteIt has come to the attention of many marketing people in the American sports world that many of England’s Premier League Soccer are making obscene amounts of money from their jersey ad space. The revenue has reached a total of $155 Million and has left people wondering, “Why not American sports?” Mark Cuban is the most vocal about this issue and pushes for corporate sponsors to buy ad space on their jerseys.
I think that if American sports adopted that technique, there would be significant revenue increases for the league. Due to many revenue sharing agreements, it could transform, say the Kansas City Royals of Major League Baseball, from a small market team with no hope for big time free-agents into a big market powerhouse. This could restore competitive balance in sports and give fans a better mindset when they watch their team. This should happen, and I think it will eventually happen.
If logos were added to sports jerseys in all leagues like the NFL, MLB, and NBA it would be a great Idea. All the leagues would get more money, and broadcast the company there advertising. Its also a plus for the SEM company too. As much as the NFL makes now is a lot and think if they were hauling in more money from these sponsorships. That would be a perfect plus to the league so it sounds like a great idea.
ReplyDeleteIt would help NFL the best, because no one pays attention to baseball or basketball nearly as much as football. So they would bring in the most money from the sponsorships because more people would see the logos and check out the company and buy or donate. It wouldn’t help NBA or MLB as much because barely anyone pays attention.
Jeremy Wagner
This article is about premier American leagues making $155 million. They did this off of putting advertising patches on players jerseys. The NFL could make lots of money off selling advertisements on jerseys. They never used patches on jerseys in the NFL. The idea of that much money in advertising is changing peoples thoughts on it.
ReplyDeleteI think the NFL would make the most money out of it. Most americans watch football so with all the viewers watching they will buy more of the advertised products. The American world cup team would make alot of money. They are being viewed around the world and are going to be seen by alot of people.
I don't think that the other sports should do that. Only soccer should do that because they have done it before. It would look dumb on the other uniforms with a bunch of patches all over. It woulod be a bad idea for everyone. I think it would make all the teams look stupid and there would be no reason to put them on there. They are just wasting money for it. I believe that they should keep it going with soccer. Also i think they will do better of if they keep it at soccer and only soccer.
ReplyDelete-Daniel smith
If the SEM industry started promoting their companies on team’s jerseys, it would be a great success for the industry. The promoting of a company on jerseys would be very successful l. Fans who sit down to watch their favorite team play would see their favorite team being sponsored by a company. This would be very beneficial for the companies. As beneficial for the companies as this would be, it would be equally degrading for the sports themselves. It would take away from the games themselves. Jerseys would be covered in advertisements. Players would be like NASCAR cars, covered in company logos.
ReplyDeleteThe NFL would be the most successful in jersey advertisements. The NFL prints new jersey’s every week, which would make it easy to change advertisements on uniforms. Also the NFL is the most popular sports league with the largest stadiums and following. The NHL is not as popular as the NFL. I cannot see MLB printing advertisements on jerseys because the MLB is the most “old-school” league. The NBA is also very popular but it does not have as much of a weekly following as football does.
~Matt Ganskopp~
I think its just a really dumb idea if they plan on putting patches on NBA,NFl,and MLB jerseys. Its only a soccer thing that they do. Its not a bad thing but its pretty cool how they also make all the money from doing that too. But for NBA NFl and MLB its different for them they have their own type of jerseys. Also it just wouldnt look right for the other sports cause they have patches already its its enoguh for their jerseys but soccer it a country sport many people from all over the world watch it and are fans.
ReplyDeleteI think it would be the NFl or NBA. Even though not everybody watches it theres at least somebody in each family watching or is fans of both sports. The NFl actually is much more famous because its a sport for everybody to watch its not boring at all and its fun to watch. Pluse they would be making so much money if they would to do the advertising with other companies. Its a good thing but they really dont need to do it.
-Daisha Acevedo
Some may think that this is not much of an issue, this idea of advertising on jerseys within sports teams. While this would help the Sports Entertainment Market and all of those who are within the field of this it would hurt fan interest. It would help the Market because more people would be involved in sales and advertising. This would hurt fan interest because no one wants to watch a game where players are dressed up in ads and sign offs. I think this would be a bad idea, in baseball for example if you were to do this, the players would have ads on every section of the uniform and it would be distracting and contrast the main focus of the game.
ReplyDeleteIf this were to be passed some sports would definitely benefit more so than others. Football for example which is already an extremely publicized sport would be able to sell spots on their uniform which would not affect the outcome of the visual aspect of the sport because it is already a close, contact sport. Football would be helped out the most because of this because football has one of the largest fan bases in the world. All sports would benefit from this some more than others.
-Andrew Frawley
I think that this is not nearly the worst thing to happen to the indecisive American Sports leagues. I think that having a few ads on jerseys wouldn't be bad, ut they should definitely not go overboard. Having the whole Jersey plastered would make it look like one of those Nascar fools. No offense to Nascar fans, of course. But I really do think that this can be a good idea, if not blown out of proportion.
ReplyDeleteFootball would be the main sport to be considering to have your ads on. Start small, and maybe not have them on star players, but just get your name out there and the rest will soon follow. Brand recognition is all that matters. Having a whole team to you is what's really important, instead of fighting over a few all stars that you might want. But football is definitely the way to go if you want it. Just make sure that your brand is the most recognized.
Danny Marcinek
I think that putting ads on jersey for any sport is a bad idea. I think it would just clutter the jerseys. Jerseys are bout telling the fans that you are not making money. I think if they put ads on jerseys it would make fans less likely to buy jersey cause of the logo. Overall I think that it is a bad idea.
ReplyDeleteI think that sports teams could also benefit from the ads on the jersey. One of the reasons is that it could make ticket prices go down. Today’s ticks to any sporting event are way overpriced. Another way a team could benefit from it is they could give away more free stuff to fan and make there fan base bigger. I think that the only good reason for a team to do this is no to make money but put all the sponsorship money to the fans.
tommy sklopan
Professional leagues such as the NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB took in interest to sell ad space of their jersey. I think this is a really good idea especially an easy way to make money. I really can’t seem to find a down side to this decision by the professional leagues because it can only play to their advantage. The smartest way to reach across to the sports and entertainment world is to use name brand ads to appeal to consumers.
ReplyDeleteThe reason this is such a good idea for the professional league is because they will be getting paid for the products they endorse. If I ran a sports franchise, I would endorse many products because of the pay that will be received in the end. Advertisement is a very important part of sports marketing. This was a great decision on behalf of the pro sport leagues.
-Nick Booker
Sports and games give us opportunity to grow in life. These days' sports have been commercialized. They have become a good means of earning. The sports person who does well in sports is showered with name, fame and wealth. He becomes a hero overnight.
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