Marketers often act as a change agent in culture. They provide new products, ideas, and lifestyle alternatives. But in some cultures, marketing activities represent a threat to established order. Communist economies did not allow for the marketing process to work. Manufacturers were fiven specific requirements for products. For example, a scientific analysis was undertaken to determine the ideal number of shoes needed for each foot size.
Lack of access to promotional techniques can prevent companies from developing products to meet customers' needs. Rules and regulations that limit promotion can give advantages to existing businesses and can limit competition from entrepreneurs. At the same time, advertising bans can protect consumers. China has banned advertising of medicinies because a large number of fake products were being sold.
In a a 2 paragraph response ( a minimum of 5 sentences for each paragraph), provide answers to the following questions. In paragraph #1, explain the role that marketing communication plays in social change and describe the advantages and disadvantages of allowing companies to freely engage in advertising without regulation. Be specific with your thoughts. In paragraph # 2, discuss how do you feel in general about promotion and advertising being regulated and why you feel this way? Be specific with your thoughts.
Please sign your name to the bottom of your blog entry.
The process of promotion in regards to advertising can be extremely beneficial or seemlingly arrogant. Marketing communication affects social change in a few ways. Firstly, it can be an advantage because new products can be brought forward and could be good for the general population. For example, a new car that may have better gas milage in a region where the economy is not good. People who can afford this vehicle would be more prone to buying it in-order to save money. Marketing communication can also create disadvantages by creating too many products to sell to a country. For example, if 20 new companies of baby diapers came to a region trying to sell their diapers, some of them will most likely not sell, thus creating a decrease in a companies profits.
ReplyDeleteI believe that marketing communication should enable companies to freely engage in advertising without regulation. It is the companies' responsibility to take the risk and sell their product with the possibility of it failing. By doing so, many new products that would be great for our country could come out and benefit us. In our country, many people are having a rough time in the economy. A new product that saves money in whatever way possible would be great for that person in the long run. Every company should have a fair chance at selling their product.
Marketing is a terrific way to communicate a product to people or the world. Marketing can change social ways because it shows marketing shows or sets trends. Promotion can show that new hot topic or item that’s out there. There are many advantages as well disadvantages to marketing and promotion. The advantages are easy gain more revenue more customers make big business. The disadvantages are maybe people don’t like the type of marketing or that certain promotion. There might even be a case where the promotion was offensive to somebody or a group of people.
ReplyDeleteI think its good to have some type of regulation. Cause if their wasn’t then companies would lose their mind with promotion and adverting. Then business would lose money due to excessive promotion. Overall I think promotion and advertising is good not only for people but for business as well. Promotion and advertising lead to more business in the long or short run.
The role of marketing communication plays a big social role in which it enables a company to succeed or fail with there product. The role it plays is that it allows marketing act as a social change in culture. It varies depending on market to market because of the vast cultural differences. An advantage of a marketing communication is that companies are able to design there products based on the consumers needs. This advantage allows them to free engage and continue progress on there product. The disadvantage though is that sometimes cultures will feel as if the company is forcing them to buy the product.
ReplyDeletePromotion and advertising is generally a positive aspect of marketing because it shows the consumer what the product is and heavily informs them. Leaving this unregulated helps fuels he capitalist market in which it allows free enterprise. By not regulating it, entrepreneurs and other companies can benefit from there products and make revenue. If it is regulated it’s bound to fail, as many people appose regulations in marketing products. Even though there are positives to the regulation, companies to be able to freely promote and advertise there products.
By allowing Marketers too communicate to the people about a new product their company has instore, gives us a chance to judge and review the function of that product.
ReplyDeletePromotion is a good advantage in the Marketing industry , they really wouldn't sell anything if it wasn't for that. When we see an Add online , or a commercial on television , we start either relating to the product OR start being curious about it.
It creates awareness of the existence of the product or service being offered, it can provide customers with information about the product that may be useful to them, and therefore produces an incentive for them to buy their product, or use their service.Also , it helps increase the market share by doing so.
But promotion has it's minors disadvantages. It can be quite costly depending on the advertising medium Marketers use; obviously TV and radio advertising tend to be more expensive than advertising on notice boards or on eBay.
Some methods of advertising are more effective than others.
Promotion also tends to be competitive. So no matter how much they spend on advertising, if they have many competitors and their methods are more effective, then their promotion campaign may not work.
The role of marketing is that promotion differs from nation to nation. In order to promote in different coutries you need to understand their cultures. The better you know a coutry the easier it is to do any type of promotion in that country. If you know the lifesyle the easier it is to come up with ideas that maybe needed in the country. If the country is not as rich as others the harder it may be make the money you thought you would.
ReplyDeleteI feel that promotion and the way it is going is the way it should be. I feel that promotions are great the way they are today. they are some many ways to get a product out. I love the way that the can get people to spred the new product by word of mouth as well. It has to be hard to come up with new ideas but people still find a way to do that.
Marketing communication is important because this is a way that companies use to get their products known to the public. Different countries and regions have their own way and cultures,and marketing communication would be great for a company to get their products in such a country. They will just have to change the way they do things to fit the needs of the people that live in that country, this is good becuase it broadens the companies horizon, and the company will most likely increase in sales.
ReplyDeleteThe adavantage companies will get from freely engaging in advertising is an increase in sales and awarness of their product. The disadvantage of avertising without regulation is that, your company could be breaking the law,which in turn will terminate your business.
I think advertising and promotion should be regulated, because it would not be fair for companies to be advertising their products in local media for free or without permisson, and other companies are legal and are following the rules.
Marketing communication is a very important role in social change because it can either be good or be bad for the people there. Also you need marketing communication because it helps inform the people of the area were they are living, about their products and/or services. Another reason why marketing communication is important because then there would be no advertising in that community and therefore people would not know about what products are in the market currently, weather it is socks or Ps3's. The upside to letting companies advertise without regulations is that the it helps the economy, because they are paying other companies to advertise their product.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion I think that only somethings should be regulated because of its maturity and that young kids should not see it. But other items, such as toys, candy, cars, and medicine, because they are somewhat of a necessity for people. I feel this way because if they do not know that there is a new medicine out then they will get sick and something bad will happen to them.
TaRiQ mAsOuD
Marketing communications play a huge roll in social change. You can always find advertisements on the radio, television, billboards, in stores, on signs down the road, and basically everywhere you look. The advantage of having social change happen from marketing communication is the fact that more people will be on the same page. For example, everywhere you turn you will find someone with an iPod or iPhone. It becomes even more of and advantage for the companies making and advertising the products because once a few people have the item and it’s advertise then everyone feels the must have it. The disadvantage is for the customer because at a point in time, they become addicted and they buy every new product not even knowing why they bought a new version when their old version was only about a year old.
ReplyDeleteIn general I feel promotion is important to us all. Without promotion and advertising we wouldn’t know about a lot of new products that come out. I have no problem with these marketing ways; the problem comes in when the spokesmen call your house continuously even after you deny their product.
The advantage to the companies of freely advertize without regulation is that the tell the costumer of how the product is made and what is made out of. They also have to be careful what they say, because some people who like to copy the product from the original one and sell it out the street. They’re telling people that the same one that the have seen on TV. For example china banned advertizing medicine because a large number of fake products were being sold.
ReplyDeleteI think that is good what they’re doing in not letting companies to freely talk about their product because is not fair for the company to be copying their product. Because some people might sue the company thinking that their the one that sold them the product, even thou they didn’t.