Burger King Introduces Iconic Character in the U.K.
Fast-Food Chain Hopes the King and New Owners Will Reverse Sales Slump
LONDON (AdAge.com) -- Burger King is introducing the iconic King character in the U.K. as part of a new campaign with the tagline, "Taste is King."
The King has landed in the U.K.
The 60-second spot, created by Crispin Porter & Bogusky, broke over the weekend during a prime-time airing of "The X Factor," the hugely popular British version of "American Idol." It launched just as Burger King confirmed it had agreed to a $4 billion sale to 3G Capital Management.
The commercial is part of an integrated campaign for the brand that will see the King making a tour of major U.K. cities this month. Residents of these cities, including London, Edinburgh and Glasgow, will be encouraged to follow the King, just as a growing horde of people do in the TV ad, to receive discounts and other offers at their local Burger King restaurant.
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In a 2 paragraph response (a minimum of 5 sentences for each paragraph), answer the following questions. In paragraph # 1, discuss how Burger King plans to market the "King". In other words, what marketing activities (i.e. commercials, etc) are they planning to implement over the next few months that will become part of their overall marketing campaign in the U.K? Do you feel they will be successful? Why or why not? Be specific with your thoughts. In paragaph # 2, discuss some of the cultural considerations that Burger King would need to be aware of when taking their brand to another country. Watch the short commercial. What did you see in the commercial that was culturally specific to the U.K? Be specific with your thoughts.
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Burger King is a universal company that recently had some losses in their sales. They decided that they will travel out of the United States and into the United Kingdom in order to attemtpt to increase their sales. They are doing this by creating clever and entertaining commercials, and making sure that the commercials are aired during times when there are a lot of viewers. (Hence, airing it during the X-Factor.) Burger King will also be commercialized in other media and online ads. I believe that they will be successful because they are using very smart marketing techniques applying to all ages and genders of people.
ReplyDeleteAs any company does, Burger King must be considerate to the cultural considerations when advertising outside their normal realm of the United States. Language use, actions, and things of that sort must be taken into account in order to not offend anybody. In the provided commercial, Burger King interpreted some culturally specific factors to encourage the viewers to buy their products. They portrayed a popular sport, such as golf, and also they illustrated some foods that may be popular in that region to be not so good looking. Lastly, they may have had some historical context included when all of the people from the United Kingdom came atop the hill and stood in a straight line, as they have done in past wars. All of these factors and more have the ability to reach out to a large numbero of people, thus making them want to buy their product.
Burger King plans on using comemrcailsin the U.K. to help promote the "King" in the U.K.. I think they will be successfull cause its soemthing new. For the most part anytime somehtign new comes around its the best thing. And since fast food is such a big market i dont see why Burger King wouldnt be successful. The new commercial should be affective.
ReplyDeleteBurger King should be aware of the other countries that the U.k. might ot be so freidnly with. I think they came close to the line with the guy swimming over. By adding all the major landmarks in the commercial its shows that Burger King knows about its surroundings. Also by adding the different languages shows that Burger King is also aware of the languages present in the U.K.. So overall I Burger King will be highly successful.
They came out with a new commercial for Burger King in the U.K. The commercial is a big part of the campaign for the brand that will see the King making in the U.K. They also have special offers like the old favorites like the Flame-Grilled Whopper. I feel that Burger King will be very successful with this idea. This is becuase they are just using the same product that is well loved in the U.S. in the U.K.
ReplyDeleteI think that the commercial is some what funny. But that may just be becuase I dont live in the U.K. and dont understand the way they live. At the end when the man from france came in to the and asked for a wopper seems like it would be funny to people that live in the U.K. From my point of veiw its not that funny.
Burger King’s newly found presence in the U.K. is mostly due to the fact that they’ve had sales drop in that area. In order to make up for sales lost Burger King hope to advertise themselves and appeal the U.K. market through offers and promotions. In there advertisement they use a commercial which is part of the campaign, which is for the brand that will see the King making a tour of major U.K. cities this month. This time in there campaign “The King” is being presented more often and is getting a leading role in the commercials promoting Burger King. There marketing and campaign seems that it will be successful because they are appealing to the people and make people think that it is a great place to eat at Burger King.
ReplyDeleteSome the cultural considerations in the campaign advertisement is to for the most part have something to do with the area they hope to show there presence in. Burger King would have to show different places through out the U.K. and different people and there surroundings. In the commercial they managed to keep there commercial heavily focused on the U.K. They showed historic landmarks and sights in the U.K. which made it appealing. They also showed the various people from the U.K. following the king show unity and happiness when they got to the Burger King.
By extending their company and products to a totally different country , Burger King is gaining more and more costumers by the minute.
ReplyDeleteNot only does their advertising has to be transfer to a different language, it also has to relate to U.K culture and the way they do things over there.
I think it was a wise move to market their products in the U.K ; through comercials and an online webpages by using the "King" as the main character like they did here in the U.S.
We all know it's a BK commercial when the "King" is involved.
They are planning to market Burger King by make commercials and the will have a tour of the U.K. In the tour they will have the people follow the "King" so that they could get promotions and other discounts. I think that they will not be succesful becasue British people do not eat hamburgers and big sandwitchs that Americans eat. Also they might be succesful in someways because some people might want to try something new, instead of eating the same thing everyday.
ReplyDeleteSome cultural considerations that they need to be worried of are that U.K. people dont eat hamburger often so, Burger king need to make some food that fits with the British people lifestyle. I think that the commercial was somewhat specific to the U.K. But it kind of did not make sense, of how they were following the Burger King man. All in all the think that they will succeed in the campaign.
TaRiQ mAsOuD
Burger King is a national even in other countries business. They are trying to expand their sales, and move to the U.K. and advertise over their. They have made a commercial basically showing how the people are following the king. That will be their marketing campaign. I feel that they will be successful because of their genius commercial and how they are using themselves to market themselves.
ReplyDeleteThey will need to be considerate of some things such as religion or they way they express themselves their words, so they wont be offensive to the United Kingdom. This commercial was showing different type of sports that are popular such as golf and even had a guy in his swim wear, that probably participates in a swimming sport. They also had shown some different types of food, that didn’t look so good, and at the end of the commercial they showed the sandwich, which looked so juicy
Rebecca Rodriguez
Burger King plans to market the "King" by going out of the United States, to try and extend the food chain brand to the U.K. by way of a very funny and clever commercial. The commercial also included British customs that will attract the English people.
ReplyDeleteWhen taking their brand to a new country Burger King needs to try not to put the U.S customs in their commercials and to always keep in mind the country to which they are reaching out to. This is exactly what they did. Some of the Cultural considerations were the use of the English accent, since they are trying to reach British consumers, the use to the U.K scenery like the Big Ben and the overall English way of life.
Shaneil Beckford