Globalization and Indian Coffee Houses
Saturday, November 27, 2010
India is one of the emerging markets which is being targeted by the multinational coffee chains. But the likes of Starbucks will face intense competition from state-subsidised coffee houses, as this excellent video below demonstrates.
From the BBC intro:
The Indian Coffee House in Kolkata has been an institution for more than 50 years. It has been a place where politicians, activists and intellectuals have come to converse over a cup of coffee. But as the number of modern western cafes increases, it is feeling the squeeze of competition.
Watch the video above. In a 2 paragraph response (a minimum of 5 sentences for each paragraph, answer the following questions. In paragraph # 1, provide your insight to the video. What is your general feeling on business competition? Is it a good or bad thing? For who? Why? Be specific with your thoughts. In paragraph # 2, discuss what you would do if you were the owner of the Indian Coffee House in Kolkata. Would you step up your marketing strategies? If so, give an example of what you would do. Or, would you stand pat and rely on your brand reputation with the community? Be specific with your thoughts.
Please sign your name to the bottom of your blog entry.
I believe that business competition is a good thing. Competition encourages companies to always improve their products so that they're better than other company's products. This benefits the consumer, primarily. It also benefits the employees who work for these companies because if they increase their sales, there is bound to be some type of reward given to them. Business competition will always result in improved products.
ReplyDeleteIf I were the owner of the Indian Coffee House, I would try to create new drinks to appeal to a larger group of people, or I would just increase the prices of the coffee that we already sell in order to earn enough profit to create new marketing strategies. If this company is well known enough, then advertising it will only help the income.
Samantha Poe
The video was very insightful in the sense it talked about how the Indian coffee market is almost different but still the same as the US. The general feeling on business competition is that they stay low and still live up to there quality. Where as other competitors are expensive but still maintain there quality. It is a bad thing because they're struggling to stay in business. The owners and there team because they're losing money but they're very optimistic so they will try to spread the franchise to make up for what was lost.
ReplyDeleteIf I was the owner of the Coffee House in Kolkata I would just sell the place. I would sell it off to one of the competitors because I'm losing money. I wouldn't try to market it if I'm losing revenue. I would try to keep it stable until someone buys the place
I think that the video is true about all businesses that are around for along time. I think that in all countries and economies there will be competition because there will always be someone who wants to make more money or be known more than the other. I think that compettiton is good because it helps regulate the economy, and keeps everyone happy. Its good for the businesses, and everyone, because there will be different varieties to choose from, and there will not be one company that has a monopoly over the other companies.
ReplyDeleteIf i was the owner of one of the coffee houses, i would make so kind of advertising to get the customers to come to our shop instead of going to other peoples coffee houses. An example would be that i would make pictures of the shop and what you can get in there, such as the different types of coffee. But i wouldnt do to much advertising because this is a plae to talk and have quiet discussions, but if you have to much advertising then people will get annoyed if they have random people come in to the shop and make loud discussions. So in a way you have to think of the old customers needs and wants, and you also have to think of the new customers that you want.
TaRiQ mAsOuD
Competition is always good for busniess in most cases. Competition is good for business that can handle it. In some cases competition can cripple a business. Competition can help the consumer cause it gives them bertter service in the long run. Competition can overall better business products.
ReplyDeleteIf i owned the Coffee house i would try to creat more business. I would try to promote my business and get my name out there to the public. I would slowly increase the price so ic an get more revenue and slow enough that it would not alarm any of the customers.Overall it seems as though the business has everything in place to expand and become well known. and have the ability to compete with other business.
Buisiness compettition is great. It brings the best out of everyone. Yes its good because like i said, it brings the best out of the buisinesses and you get their best product. Its good for the customers but also for the best buisniess because they compete to show why their product is better than the others.
ReplyDeleteIf I was the owner of the Indian Coffee House in Kolkata, i would give free samples. I would step up marketing strategies that would make our company better than all the others. For example i would have constant sales for buyers that give us valuble feedback on our product. I would not stand pat and rely on your brand reputation with the community because thats not competition thats just backing down from a challange and thats one thing i ushully never do.
The video was very insightful in the sense it talked about how the Indian coffee market is US. Almost different but still the same as the USCompetition encourages companies to always improve their products so that they're better than other company's products.Where as other competitors are expensive but still maintain there quality. It is a bad thing because they're struggling to stay in business. They need to try and make a little more money the poeple wont get mad about a 10 or 20 cent increase.
ReplyDeleteIf I was the owner of the Coffee House in Kolkata I would just increase the price 10 or 20 cents so that i can make more money. They need to make more to stay in the game. Its like sports these days what got you a lot of money back in the day may not get you any these days evrything around you is gettin better and you have to as well.
The video shows how competions can affect a business, which is a good thing, becuase this encourage and push businesses to move forward. The video also shows a little about the Indian coffee House, which is drawing attention to the business. This enables the public to see what the competion is doing to them.
ReplyDeleteIf i was the owner of this business, i would definitely give the place a new look, that might attract customers, improve on my customer service and just try and give more variety. This will help to market the Indian Coffee House. Giving discounts and gift card, can increase sales and boost profits.
It’s always a bad thing to have competition. For the owner of the Indian Coffee House because he will have other companies sell coffee, and different products that maybe his customers will want to try. It is a good thing for other Busineses because since they are a global brand they will be recognized more, and people will want to try the taste of their products that are sold in other countries.
ReplyDeleteIf I was the Owner of the Coffee house I would try to treat my customers well and make sure they are well received with their service, and are in a good environment and the reputation of Indias Coffee House stays strong. Also I would make coupons for my customers since they have been coming for a while they should be rewarded with a free cup of coffee, or buy 2 coffee and receive the next cup free on their next visit. These stragegies will hopefully keep them coming back for more.
I think that competition is a good thing, because the more competition they have the more they’re going to try to make their coffee taste better. They also increase their money income, because the more new product they invent the more customer the will attract.
ReplyDeleteIf I was the owner of the Indian coffee house I would think of new ideas to improve my product, and also I wouldn’t just sale coffee, but have like a breakfast, lunch, and dinner menu. Also I would have like a sale day were I would put some food at half the ordinary price; I wouldn’t do this every day but do it like once a month. I would also give a way coupon for a free cup of coffee.
samuel lemus ;D