So what have you been up to this summer?
Welcome back Eagles and welcome to the 2010-2011 school year! With the renovation in full swing, things probably look a whole different around here.
For our first blog assignment, I want to hear about your experiences over the summer and why you decided to enroll in Global Marketing. In a two paragraph response to the question (a minumum of 5 sentences for each paragraph), respond to the following.
In paragraph # 1, tell me about your experiences this summer. What did you do? Where did you go? Did you work? Anything else? In paragraph # 2, tell me why you decided to enroll in Global Marketing. What attracted you to the marketing program? What brings you down to our department? What do you hope to get out of this class? Please be more creative than "I don't know" or "my counser told me to take it". Be specific with your thoughts. Remember, a minimum of 5 sentences for each paragraph.
Please sign your name to the bottom of your blog entry.
This past summer was the summer before my senior year, so I made sure that a large majority of my time was spent relaxing because I knew this year would not be easy. The day after school let out this past year, I went to Outer Banks with my family for a week at the beach. Once I was back, I basically spent my time working at Starbucks and spending time with my family and friends. When I was not doing one of those two, I would work on the countless summer projects I had been assigned. As summer came to a close, I got my mind set on doing well in school this year to make sure my senior year ended on a good note.
ReplyDeleteTo be completely honest, I had not signed up for this class to start out. My counsler simply put it into my schedule because I had space. Now that I am here I realized that this class will have a lot of good opportunities and that it was a good choice to follow through with it. I hope to learn a lot of good business skills by taking this class, and that they will help me with future jobs that I may decide to take. I also realized that it was a good decision to npt drop out of this class because it will look good on my applications for college that I didn't just take all easy classes or just dropped the ones I didn't need. I am excited to go through this semester in this class and see what I will get from it.
In the summer I played a lot of baseball. As you know I love the game of baseball it takes up most of the summer but its for the best. I went to the beach for a week that was the only place I went this summer. I did work in the snack bar at my pool only about 8 hours a week making $7.25. Thats okay because I just wanted a little money to have to spend.
ReplyDeleteI signed up for this class because I wanted to be in DECA. This is my 4th year in marketing. I just really like that whole idea of marketing and that is what I want to major in.class we can all learn the things that we need to learn in order to understand marketing at more then just the sports side. I hope that as a I hope to learn this about other places as well as get better at something i like to do.
My summer was okay. I didn't get to go anywhere else other than Virginia Beach. I attended three debuts over the summer. It's a traditional 18th birthday party for a Filipino girl. Over the summer, I also started working at Dunkin' Donuts. I'm still being trained right now by two of my friends who'll soon be leaving to look for other jobs.
ReplyDeleteI enrolled to Global Marketing because I liked my Marketing class last year. All the projects and assignments were fun to do. The field trip that I went to for Marketing was something I really enjoyed. I learned a lot of things that I didn't know before. I hope to learn and understand more about all the things that has to do with Marketing.
This summer was fun and boring at the same time because in the beginning i traveled to Palestine, but near the end of summer it was boring because i did nothing. When i went to Palestine it was kinda boring also because there was nothing to do there, and my uncle and brother left after three weeks, but i had to stay for seven weeks. When i came back from there i was just playing video games, and i went out sometimes but all in all its still was summer and you cant hate summer.
ReplyDeleteI am taking Global marketing because i took sports marketing and marketing 1, so i thought i might as well finish it off with Global Marketing. I am interested in marketing because i want a job in marketing with a well known company. Also i was thinking about starting my own business/company because i like being the boss of people, instead of being bossed around. I hope to get more knowledge about marketing and especially marketing in the world today. Also Global marketing is a very big part of the world economy today because many companies spent millions of dollars on advertising there companies and making new products. I hope that by the end of this semester i will gain more knowledge and experience about marketing and what it has to do with companies today.
TaRiQ mAsOuD
I really didn’t do anything over the summer. I pretty much just played summer league and basketball over the summer. I didn’t go anywhere out of state. I went to a basketball camp in Maryland over the weekend with the Edison Boys Basketball Team. So my summer pretty much consisted of basketball and summer reading and summer projects.
ReplyDeleteI want to major in marketing in college. So I thought that taking this class would prepare me for that. I really wanted sports marketing but I guess the class was full. I find marketing to be very interesting which is why I continue to take marketing courses. I want to learn about global marketing because that’s where the money is at. It’s also good to learn about other countries and customs just incase I have to travel overseas for any reason. I expect big things out of global marketing.
This past summer seemed to be a very long summer but it was a perfect summer for me. My summer began with spending all of June until mid-July watching the 2010 FIFA World Cup. It was soccer games non-stop 5 days out of the week. This summer I was not able to find a summer job which brought me down because I was hoping I would finally snag a job. I just practiced and played pick up soccer all summer long. I went to the beach multiple times and spent time hanging out with friends. I took multiple road trips getting lost in place’s I had never been too and then finding my way back home. Overall this summer was a learning experience for me into developing freedom.
ReplyDeleteWhat attracted me into the marketing program was the advertising revolving around soccer and the lead up to the World Cup. Companies such as Nike and Coca-Cola caught my attention in thinking about how they’re so productive on the global scale and have all the subdivisions. What brings me into this department is the curiosity of how companies advertise and promote themselves on the global market through unique advertisements that revolve around the different cultures in the world. I just hope to learn how to appeal a product to the world and learn how companies do it.
Last year i toke Marketing just to see how it was ; i ended up enjoying the class. Being part of DECA was a great experience and it looked great on my resume.
ReplyDeleteThis summer i really didn't do much. I spent most my weekends at the beach with friends and weekdays at Lakes and pool with my family.
My job was basically taking care my brother the whole summer ; even though i got offer a paid-internship at a Court Division in Springfield but i couldn't accept due to my babysitting business.
But i am accepting the internship for the fall but instead i'm going to be an intern at JohnMarshallLibrary in Rosehill
I also visited JWU campus in Denver for a 3-day summer college course. I choosed Criminal Justice as the class for that weekend and really enjoyed being there. I was amaze with the scene the school putup.
Now i'm definately sure that Criminal Justice is something i really want to be a part off and will go to college just to major in it and make my career dream come true.
Overall ,summer went by fast and school is in session. Global Marketing will be teaching me more about different countries all over the world and i'll be able to learn things i never knew before. That's what i'm hoping on accomplishing this semester in this class.
The event that effected me the most last year was the previous super bowl involving the saints and the colts. This effected me the most because, I am a very big colts fan and was looking forward to another colts super bowl win. But as we all saw that didn't happen and the saints came out on top. But never the less I still enjoyed that great game, even though I would've liked a colts win.
ReplyDeleteI decided to join this class because, I love talkiing about sports and love learning about different types of marketing methods. Last year I took a class like this and I enjoyed it very much. I had wanted to take this class as a freshmen but was not able to, but as soon as I got my chance I didn't let it pass me by.
Brandon Smith.
This summer was great. I didn’t travel out of the state but I still had fun. I worked out almost every day for the upcoming football season. We had passing league at Wakefield, Lee and Stafford High Schools. All the seniors on the football team attended the University of Virginia for a 1-Day camp and it was a great experience. I also volunteered at Lee District Rec Center for the Summer Football Camp. The first week was fine but the second week got rowdy. We had one child get in a fight and later that same day he decided to run away off campus. I brokeu p the fight and later that day when he ran off I ended up tracking him down. When I arrived back at the camp the kids were yelling, cheering and calling me a Hero; it was funny and at the same time another great experience.
ReplyDeleteI decided to take Global Marketing mainly because of the Co-Op opportunity that was given to us. My first year as a marketing student I didn’t take advantage of this opportunity and I felt that this being my senior year at Edison High School I should take advantage of this opportunity. I was also brought to Global Marketing because I plan on going to college and Universities always look at your senior classes to see if you slack off or continue to work, and I felt this class would prove I’m still interested in learning while in High School. While in Global Marketing I expect to get out of it what I put in. I love technology and I feel that this marketing class will talk a lot about technology and I’m all ears when it comes to technology and new gadgets.
This summer I went to El Salvador for two weeks and visited some of my family members,but mostly stayed at the beaches. I also went to Virginia Beach and Ocean City.The funnest thing I did this summer was go to New York.I was there the week before we wntered school and I did alot of shopping in Manhatten. I had lots of fun this summer.
ReplyDeleteI decided to enroll in Global Marketing because I thought it would expand my knowledge in the marketing field, and just wanted to learn more. My prevoius years I have taken Marketing 1 and 2,so I wanted to see how different they were,and hoiw they related. I hope this class will show me more andf learn about different brands and how they maket all over the world and not only in fashion.
Rebecca Rodriguez
This summer was full of mix feelings, it was a little bitter sweet. I had to move away from my immediate family to live in the U.S.A with my other family, It was a bit hard because I was very close to them. Once in the U.S I started to have fun, I went to Las Vegas which was pretty awesome, went hotel hoping and site seeing, I was there for about one week. My second most favorite adventure was going to six flags where I had so much fun getting all wet from the water rides and just seeing all the stuff I saw from the TV. I have also been back and fourth from Virginia to Atlanta visiting family.
ReplyDeleteI was choosing from a list of open classes, and I came up on Global Marketing. I decided to take this class because I really have an interest in business and marketing. I did principles of business at my old school, and I enjoyed it, so I figure I would enjoy Global Marketing too, which I am.